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Rakeback Tips: Poker Strategy

Poker is a game of skill and therefore players must master the game of poker. This article outlines some tips and basic strategy for mastering the game of poker.

The basics of solid poker strategy involve many concepts that you must combine to become a consistently winning player. The following concepts are crucial to learning poker strategy:
• Tight play
• Aggressive play
• Random play
• Taking advantage of opponents’ mistakes
Keep these concepts in mind as you develop as a poker player. These strategic concepts are like the colors on an artist’s palette: the basic colors are the same, but the artist’s use of them is unique and stylistic. It is not always the type of game that differs – the difference in way of playing the game makes the difference between a genuine winner and a casual onlooker.

To play at a consistently winning level requires both time and effort. In other words, it takes work. Decide whether you want to play Full Tilt poker to win or to play for fun. There is nothing wrong with playing poker for fun, but there is no reason to plan to lose either. Whether you are playing for fun or for money it is important to get a bankroll management strategy in place. Remember to take full advantage of deposit and rakeback bonuses as these will give you free money for your bankroll. This is applicable in the cases like party rakeback, betfair rakeback and others.

Don't make the mistake of expecting to win every time you play. Even the best poker players in the world have losing sessions. Your goal should be to play to the best of your ability in every session. If you do, the cards and winnings will take care of themselves as you improve.
Many players make the mistake of judging their poker playing ability based on the results of each session.

On a very basic level, winning poker starts with the selection of which starting hands to play. Poker is a mathematical game but it’s a game of incomplete information. That may sound complicated, but it really isn't. If you enter the pot with the best hand more often than your opponents do, you will win more times than your opponents.

Learning which hands to bet on comes with experience. Starting hand selection is fundamentally important, but it’s only one element of your poker strategy. Other factors included in your betting decisions include position and chip stacks.
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