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Trade Channels WoW Guide - How to Profit With Trade Channels

As a new player, you were probably taken aback whenever you entered a new city and clicked the chat window. You probably were surprised at all the item names that popped up, full of color and likely very confusing. The trade channel is also sometimes referred to as the 'direct market.' Some of the sellers are there trying to make a quick sale before you check the actual worth of an item, others are simply selling their services, such as blacksmithing, etc. If you are a new player, you need to make sure you are not being exploited by more experienced traders. Many of the players are looking for noobs to take advantage of, that's why it's always best to take the time to see what an items worth before you shell out your hard-earned gold, so watch out for those devious Whispers. Let's see how you can profit using the Trade Channels.

One thing you can count on in every server are gamers who need gold right now. If you can pinpoint the items that are in demand in the Auction House and available in the Trade Channel then you can make some real gold. You need to make sure to do some research on the items used by each class or profession. I would first scan a city's Trade Channel to see what's being offered. If you see similar items, then you need to check their median prices. Let's just take a look at one of the items that you could profit from: Recipes.

Recipes are usually in high demand because of low drop rates and limited Vendor supplies. You sometimes find recipes in the Trade Channels, the most likely reason for this is because they are need of some gold fast. If you see a recipe, ask how much they want for it. Once they give you a price you can either check the median price with the Auctioneer-Addon or go check at Once you know the median price, then you can make a counter-offer for less than the median price. If they say no, then just make sure to leave your offer on the table in case they change their mind. If the trade is made, head over to the Auction House, if the item is in demand then put it up for auction. If the item is already listed then wait a bit for them to sell and then place yours for auction to make a bit more profit.

Here is a list of what recipes are called for each Profession:

-Leatherworking and Tailoring: Patterns

-Enchanting: Formulas

-Engineering: Schematics

-Blacksmithing: Plans

-Cooking and Alchemy: Recipes

-Jewelcrafting: Designs

-First Aid: Manuals and Formula

One of the most overlooked but important things to consider for a successful trade is your etiquette. Always maintain a fair demeanor, never brag, and never get upset. You don't want to shut off a potential source of revenue due to your bad behavior. Good behavior will pay dividends down the line. So keep this in mind if you choose to use the Trade Channel as a means of profiting.

Well, that is just one of the very simple ways to profit from using the Trade Channel. There are many more items you can target to profit with so keep on researching until you find something that works. Happy gaming.