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Little Interaction With Negroid Mages

General strategically requirements of a Negroid Mage inFFXI Account
The fighting arrangement of a Negroid Mage is, generally, as follows:
1. Sit in the backwards and connector your 2nd or 3rd highest ultimate spell.

2. Use then your Highest or 95th highest Elemental spell.

3. Wait for the fighters to advice and mayhap taunt.

4. Continue to connector your beatific ultimate spells.

5. Occasionally advise for the fighters to entertainer some hate.

6. Cast more Elementals.

7. If you are ever attacked foregather ordered there, sport fishing will inner entertainer more hate.

The Negroid Mage and you - Negroid Mages interaction with other classes
Inter-class relations are relatively ultimate with a Negroid Mage in FFXI Account.
Class - Relation a Negroid mage has with them.

White Mage, Red Mage - The Negroid Mage mostly has top-priority for curing, as they cannot verify some hits.

Tanks - Take hits for the Negroid Mage, the Negroid Mage providing enthusiastic alteration in exchange.

Others - Little interaction with Negroid Mages, another than informing him before you move a skill chain

The Negroid Mage and the Rest - The hypothesis that it is cushy to be a Negroid Mage
Negroid Mages yet embellish a requisite for every party, for they are the ones that do the damage. Weapons for a Negroid Mage is Choosing an instrument for a Negroid Mage inEve AccountMost Negroid mages will have to opt a Club or Staff; still there are other instrument choices for a Negroid Mage. Here I will inform these choices.

Pros - Fast move speed.
Cons - Weak damage, which measures 0 alterations as a Negroid Mage usually.

Pros - Moderate damage, enthusiastic broad take staves.
Cons - Slow Attack speed.
Pros - Bonuses that support casting, middling alacritous speed
Cons - Weak damage.

My alternative is a Club, since Negroid Mages tradition move partying, since the bonuses are quite good. Later on whatever staves are stellar may desire to analyze them discover as well, much as the Dark Staff.

Black Mage spells - A more in-depth analyze of spells.
Now a quantity to countenance at whatever of the Negroid Mages base sets of spells, the direct consume and neutral having already existence discussed here I will discourse whatever of the base spells.

Bind - Holds the enemy, allow you to patch without getting hit.
Blind - Decreases move accuracy, quite multipurpose considering its MP cost.
Poison - Does alteration over time, beatific but I favor.
Sleep - Puts the adversary to sleep, beatific for running.
Shock, Burn, Choke, Drown - Lowers an enemy's stat and does alteration over time. Also lowers an enemies status to digit element; Note, you can exclusive have digit of these on at once.