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How to Choose the Best Alliance WOW Leveling Guide?

World of Warcraft is full with thousands of quests, items and mobs making leveling to 80 a difficult to do job for many players. An alliance leveling guide is an important purchase because it will help you level as fast as possible and reach level 80 in a week or so. The market is, however, full of guides that all claim to be good and just running a simple search query on google will get you thousands and more of websites selling wow guides. In this short article, I will reveal to you what I think is necessary to have in a guide before you buy it. This will help you skip the ones that do not have these features:

1. A guide should be available in both pdf as well as text only versions. Many guides come as an in-game mod only and this is not good. Just suppose the game got updated, the in-game mod will stop functioning until the owner updates it. Having the pdf version will allow you to read the guide anytime you want; even when not playing the game. A text only version is also important because you will be able to print it without using a lot of ink or paper.

2. A guide should have an in-game version that will load the steps inside the game window and also guide you where to go inside the game and in which direction (by using an arrow waypoint system). This way you will no more need to minimize the game window to read the guide.

3. A guide should also have a version that gets rid of minimizing the game window to read it, but at the same time does not give you an automatic way point system. This is mainly if you like to explore the game on yourself, with the help of a guide rather than being directed to where to go by the arrow system.

4. A guide should have enough screen shots and pictures to help you find your goal faster.

5. A guide should also come with video versions. Not just any general game videos. You need to have specific quest videos done by the guide owner. These videos are a great help because you will not only see the mob you need to kill, for example, but you will also see how to reach that mob, what way to go through and so on.

6. A guide should also come with a set of bonuses.

7. A guide should offer free life time updates. If it does not, just do not buy it.

8. A guide should also have detailed quests descriptions as well as class specific quests.

Looking for the features above will easily help you to decide whether to buy a certain wow leveling guide or not.