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Do You Wish You Had More Laughs In Your Life? Well Now You Can!

Humor is used for all kinds of reasons. But one of the most obvious reasons is to MAKE people laugh. Another reason is to simply get away from life for a few minutes for a small break. This is especially good for people with really stressful jobs or lives. It gives them a few little chuckles between appointments or lunch breaks to read a few, unwind, relax, and get ready for the rest of their day. And the third most popular reason; to be the "cool" guy or girl that sends jokes to his or her friends.

You know who you are. You have all the fun in life and want to share that fun with other people! Have you ever gotten a really funny joke sent to you through email, and you wished that you could find a site that would send you daily jokes? Well now you can! Recently I was looking online for a cool joke site that would send me jokes right to my email address. I found a lot of various sites out there and depending on what type or kind of jokes you are looking for, I am almost positive you can find a site just for you!

What I like the best about joke emails is if you get a really good one you can be the "cool" person in your group of friends to forward that email out and share it with everyone else as well! One of the sites I found was a blog type atmosphere. You could either view jokes right on the site or you could subscribe to a newsletter which would send you jokes through mail. Some of the best topics are; funny blonde jokes, funny lawyer jokes, funny redneck jokes, and funny religious jokes. For each "keyword" you look up, you are going to find a few pages of gags on each one.

Also, on some of these sites you might be fortunate enough to submit your own joke as well. One of the sites I found had a submission page with a contact email address for the webmaster. Once you click that you can send your joke to the owner and if they like it enough and it's not already on the site, they will add it for you! Pretty cool. They also have other "joke" type deals on these sites as well such as cartoons, games, pictures and videos. So if content isn't enough - now you have even more choices to laugh out loud!