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World of Warcraft - Guide to Beast Mastery Hunter Pets

Leveling a Beast Mastery hunter is definitely the easiest thing to do in World of Warcraft. The end goal is to buff your pet to the point that it becomes an unstoppable killing machine that allows you to just tear through mobs with ease. Finding the perfect pet is the hardest part of the whole process.

The perfect pet is a great tank. It must be able to gain the attention of the mob, and keep it. Any time you cross the threat line, you need your pet to be able to snap it back on him quickly.

The perfect pet also does great damage. It must be able to kill quickly without any help from you. The perfect pet will easily do as much damage as you while leveling.

Finding a pet that covers both of these bases is not as difficult as it may seem. The perfect pet is a cat. Cats are all over the place in WoW, and finding one should not be a difficult process at any point during leveling.

Cats cover all the bases that you need in a pet. They do great damage, and are easily ranked one of the top pets in the endgame. Cats also hold aggro rather well. They are not perfect, you will find that you need to watch yourself at the beginning of fights, but otherwise you should be able to still kill really quickly.

The other big benefit to a cat is that they can learn the ability Prowl. This skill is similar to a rogue's Stealth, and allows your pet to sneak through some areas. Prowl is definitely helpful when you are doing instances, and a total blessing in PvP.

The best cat that I have found to use, is one you can get in your early 40s. In Stranglethorn Vale you will be able to tame King Bangladesh, who is easily the best cat for his level. I still use him today at level 80.