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The Hedgehog Super Powers

Sonic the hedgehog is an extremely popular character developed by team Sonic for Sega. He first came to existence in 1991 and the game has sold more than 50 million copies worldwide since then. This should make top bosses at Sega really happy because they only wanted something that would sell 1 million copies worldwide.

Originally developed under orders from Sega as an answer to rival Nintendo's immensely popular Mario, Sonic became a force to reckon with. His creative and catchy design made him an instant hit with the young and fast moving gaming crowd. His features were nothing like Mario and this was perhaps the singular most important part of his success. He is so very original a character that he went on to become an icon in his own right.

So what does he do that makes him so very popular? Well, he moves really fast for one thing. He loves living up to his name whenever he is presented with the opportunity to do so. He goes supersonic whenever he can and that is not the transformation I am talking about. I am talking about him moving faster than the speed of sound. Sure the Concord does that very same thing with passengers onboard. But can a 5-year old play with it? There have not been many games that can rival Sonic's addictive game play.

Another thing that Sonic does well is building up momentum while hurling himself in the form of a curled up ball. This is probably the only thing he has in common with a real life hedgehog (other than the pointed nose and the quills that is). While in this form, he can ward off most baddies but he cannot help losing rings if he runs in to spikes. Well, I guess you just can't beat spikes with spikes!

Ring is another thing he is good at - he love collecting them, going through them and even losing them! Well, that is mainly because his mission and dear life depends on it but that does not take away from the fun at all. These rings often scatter around you when you hit the spiked or some bad guy but you can then pick them up again.

Coming to the really super power, there is the Super transformation. This was introduced later in the series in the game called Sonic the Hedgehog 2. This happens when Sonic collects all the Chaos Emeralds. After all the Chaos Emeralds have been collected, Sonic is able to transform into Super Sonic that renders him almost invincible. But that is only when it comes to baddies. He will still die if he falls off, runs out of time, etc. In this avatar, he consumes one ring per second, making his transformation a costly thing to run. However, this transformation is crucial for winning in the advanced levels of the game.

Thus, Sonic remains to be one of the most favored characters from video games. With his speed and agility, he has really spindashed into our hearts.