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Making Gold in World of Warcraft - Ways to Make Thousands of Gold Faster Than Your Friends Can

Making gold in World of Warcraft can be difficult at times. Depending on when you are able to play you may find the popular farming spots over crowded, daily quest mobs over camped, or the auction house is overloaded with everyone else's junk. You are probably like many other players wondering if there is some secret ways of making gold in World of Warcraft.

The problem with many of the popular methods is easy to see. They are very popular, and usually for good reason. Usually they have you farming items that many people will need simply due to the high demand, items like cloth or enchanting materials. While they are really easy to sell, they are often lower priced due to a never ending supply. They will work great to make money, but odds that you want a little less competition for materials with better prices.

You could go the route of farming some lower demand, higher priced items as well. The problem with these items they are usually also heavily farmed because of the higher prices. Items like the crystallized elemental drops fall in this category. As you can imagine these things are worth a pretty penny, and farmed pretty heavily as well. If the item is worth a bit, and easy to farm, you can bet there will be tons of people farming it.

An easier method, but with just as much competition is working the Auction House. This method requires the use of the Auctioneer add on, but is easily done at the earliest of levels. The problem here is that you need to constantly do scans check prices and demand to know when you need to buy and sell the items, and you really need to know what to look for when you do. If you do this properly, this is one of the best methods of making money in World of Warcraft.