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The other skills passive ready to choose archery Specialization

1.0.5 the are hunting magic overlooked skills trembling hunting Nearly 1.0.5, everyone seems to be more and more disputes. Skills, the most important should be considered generate hatred skills and release hatred skills select.Generate hatred skills: chase bite, tied shadow tied hammer evade shooting, grenade to buy cheap diablo 3 items.Release hatred skills: cluster elements, multiple, fire, puncture, Leviathan, bursts, pierced, spiked trap, flying blade.In contrast, the release of hatred skills than generate hatred skills hurt much higher year-on-year increase and various skills with hatred consumption of injury. The killing skills choice is nothing more than kill and white strange what skills, what skills to kill the elite, produce the hatred skills and consumption hate skills were selected group injury or monomer injury, or group of injuries are.1.0.4 version, most of my friends have reached the RCC hierarchy. Endurance, brush Figure efficiency has become the first goal to be pursued, and previous versions of the various strange Ye have become soft foot shrimp. Multi-Shot, electric ball vector become the preferred release hate, hatred consumed drink group injury which is the most significant advantages.

At the same time, the rapid release of hatred cluster arrows flow slowly fade out. Add something, the more bizarre the war turns since the operation not to abandon the experiment. (Focal inflammation footprint version is not in the scope of this discussion too Guards) 1.0.4 Left-skills (generate hatred skills) Basic chase bite Arrow Tiger Balm is also dominating the world. Although there are several other skills like friends, but it seems that the trend runs counter to quickly brush map.1.0.5 it strange difficulty grading, estimated to be slowly run-in a while, the brush map efficiency and the strange difficulty and psychological expectations match select skills. To gradually settle down Build, I could not help but squalling 1.0.4 I vacated a skill bar 1.0.5 estimated skill bar very tight a choice between Xinrudaoge.Quickly brush Figure 1.0.4 Build almost. For me personally, brush after the 2 hour chart, trance. The wife said that my whole body was shaking, Parkinson's precursor. Like me slowcoach estimated to find blame some difficulty, but not to the entire kite (to kill a group of strange to refund half of the map can not stand), can retire a few steps to kill the the blue blame should be right. The video looked great God who feel the 5-6 difficulty should be about the same.1.0.5 update Blue paste mentioned the BUFF passive skills the "trembling hunting" not know note no.* Shudder huntingThe - shudder hunting now redesigned: every 7 seconds, your next hate consumed skills will be given the body all hit the target for 2 seconds, the enemy every 7 seconds can only be given to the body once. This effect does not affect the attack Methodist whistle.- Will generate a BUFF icon when the effects are available.My idea was to release hatred skills to inspire the "trembling hunting then use to produce the the hatred skills to killing with a group of injuries. This the right skills to select more than coincidence cluster is more suitable (Leviathan too weird); The main idea is not required to cause too much damage, but to groups given the strange two seconds, and then quickly killing, and then set, and again!

The choice of left-skills, I feel it is more appropriate to chase of macrophages and tied hammer bomb personally prefer tied hammer. Can blame two seconds to delay the destruction of this short board appropriately padded. The recommendations have not used the tie must try to hammer fight blood strange feeling great. If the election chase bite to the appropriate heap equipment plus a percentage of damage.The other skills passive ready to choose archery Specialization, calm sniper or strategic advantage, trembling. Active skills in addition to the left and right arrow keys, plus wild boar combat pet, ready to go, Shadow Power prance.By the way, do not need the right skills to cause destruction, so can reduce a lot of the equipment requirements. And multiple words can choose vitality pressed back precepts, estimates can be further reduced equipment requirements; bundle, then you can select the shocking bomb, double halo, more insurance, in case trembling time yet to come, can also be a little laid down strange.So long-winded, to Build and fitted around a passive skill to develop some seem to fly in case of a weakened finished. But sometimes the Shuang Shuang, such as 1.0.4 fire roll, I as the Blizzard players Demon's welfare, so that we can speed brush grade more than a month.The real effect have to wait 1.0.5 release measured, I just use a single hand crossbow super garbage, half-naked brush time the third act, the results were pretty good.