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I dont think 1 respec point per level would be very good

Ok so at this point there are already been many debates about bringing back the skill point system versus keeping it the same. In my opinion this system is here to stay. My reasoning behind this is that although vastly different from diablo 2, its a core component of the game NOW and its a good option for keeping things very flexible.That being said, if you were to change this system at all i think a really good way would not be by re-inventing it but adding onto it.So my solution to this question of how would you add onto the system is to add the skill point system to the RUNES that you "equip" to a certain skill and possibly reducing the amount of runes each skill has(more on this later).So lets start with an example and take the barbarian skill SPRINT. Now lets choose 2 runes that are fundamentally different in style and add a system to level them up to a max level of 5. Also as an incentive to max the rune to make more concrete builds, at level 5 you would add a special effect to the rune to make it more sweet! Also runes would be chosen carefully to maximize item diversity in build so that there are more than just ,cd, and ias being looked for on the ah or wherever.SPRINTRUNE 1- Run like the wind- Tornadoes rage in your wake each dealing 60% weapon damage as physical for 3 seconds.So this rune is obviously an OFFENSIVE oriented rune as that 60% dmg stacks up as u generate more tornadoes.

So leveling up this rune would most likely increase damage or maybe the number of tornadoes that drop during the time for more stacking. for the max level addon you could make the tornadoes bigger and have more of an aoe(one of many possibilities).Item synergies- obvious item synergies would be flad damage and maybe movespeed.RUNE 2- Rush- increase dodge chance by 12% while sprintingSo this rune is obviously DFENSIVE oriented rune so the style of play already differs greatly than the first rune even though its the same skill. So, when leveling up this rune the dodge % would obviously increase per level. At level 5 a nice addon to this rune would be for it to last more than just 3 seconds(maybe even up to 7) or maybe you could add damage reflection from melee and ranged attacks.item synergies- this obviously synergizes well with movespeed again but instead of the standard damage oriented affixes it would rely more on having more dex to increase the dodge chance. if damage reflection would be the level 5 addon then thorns types of stats miight even be a valued stats!As you can see out of just 2 rune examples of 5 total there is alot of things to think about with this system.Lets try another expample for a different class that would change how you use a certain skill.Lets use the skill RAY OF FROST and see what we can come up with.RAY OF FROSTRUNE ]- Snow blast- using continuously on a single target increases damage over 1.5 seconds to inflict a maximum of 280% weapon damage as cold.This rune is very dps oriented so when leveling up you would obviously level up dps and possibly % slowed to the target. The level 5 addon could be many different things. Maybe once you hit max dps the the beam pierces directly through the target hitting anyone behind(KAMEHAMEHAAA!).

Or you could have the beam split to multiple targets around the target.item synergies- With these channeling skills, slower attack speed weapons usually work better because the arcane power ticks down much slower so you could easily use a two hander on a wizard to keep ur mana high. Obviously attack damage, cc, cd would be good aswell.RUNE 2-Sleet Storm- create a swirling storm around you, dealing 280% weapon damage as cold to all enemies caught within.This rune is really cool because it changes the way the spell works in every way. Its basically a different skill. Right now the aoe is kinda small so to counter act this when you level it up you could increase the dps or you could increase the aoe or both! The problem with this skill for the wizard is it puts you in alot of dangerous situations because you have to get close to the enemies. To counter act this, the level 5 addon could give you a 75% chance to freeze the target on hit. Another option would be to increase your armor by 30-50% while channeling the skill and leave it for 5 seconds after stopping.item synergies- depending on how you would decide to level up the skill, high strength can be good for more armor or more attack speed to make the freeze chance happen more often. health glove pickup radius could be good to make arcane power passive could be much more useful since you are already close to the enemies.As you can see with these examples of the two skills, there are a myriad of possibilities to think of and the devs could have alot of fun with it. I think it would be smart taking away some runes and focus on a fewer number per skill. Doing this will make sure each rune has a purpose and you dont get some runes that are just straight up never used like we have now. Also you could make sure each rune would have a different purpose and fill its own unique roll.I think adding a respec system would be very easy to do aswell.

I think you should start gaining 1 skill point per level starting at 30 so by level 60 you will be able to have 6 skills maxed at level 5 which is how many you have available in the first place.RespeccingI trhink paragon levels could be used for respec points. I dont think 1 respec point per level would be very good. I am thinking more along the lines of even 5 respec points per level. This way, you will have a large pool of respec points by the time you are paragon 100(500). If done right and we get a nice item diversity, it would take a while to be able to get nice items for a different build but by the time you do get another full set you would have enough respec points to switch to it.No respec system but more skill pointsI think it would be cool to have 2-3 builds available for a character. Once you start gaining paragon levels you could possibly start to get a skill point per plvl. If we think its fair to have 3 builds per class that would mean 60 plvls to upgrade 12 more runes to max level. there now you have 3 builds to choose from and you have alot of time to get 3 different sets of gear for different situations.There you have it, although a very rough idea I think this system will vastly improve diversity of the entire game!