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The forgotten combat style

Ever since Jagex released the polypore staff and soa, one combat style has been forgotten. All of Jagex's remedies had a loop hole or were too expensive. And then they announced the EOC.
Rangers do not have a level 40, 50, or 60 pair of boots. These levels are made of the dragonhide tiers. One would think that Jagex would include boots, but no. We do have a level 40 pair but it isn't fair that it is:
1. Members' only
2. Currently costs 6.8 Mil
The equivalent mage level boots cost 3.6k and the melee boots cost 1.4k.
Should I have to pay over 188 times as much for a pair of boots for my favorite combat style?
I did find a level 50 pair of boots but it isn't from a conventional set. It is from the Fremennik lands and is the spined set. Again, this is members only.
There isn't even a level 60 set of boots for Ranged. The next set costs almost 5M and is the Armadyl set. Even though the Subjugation set is fairly new, it is so much easier to kill K'ril than to kill Kree.
Next up to bat is head gear. Ranged is restricted to degradable, minigame reward helmets for most levels. The only middle-tier non-degradable helmet is the god coif.
None of magic or melee's mid-level head gear is this bad off. If you had to pay to recharge it by paying, that's one thing. But it's either sell it and by a new one or go over and play cat and mouse to get your tokens.

Another slight issue that affects magic too is dragonfire. Why can melee use a free shield? Magic and ranged are forced to fork out a couple mill to get a shield to fight dragons.
Now it's time for the serious stuff. It's crossbows turn now. Jagex had to be smoking a little somethin-somethin if you catch my drift. I'm not talking about bolts yet, either.
Everything is fine with crossbows but then we get to dragon crossbows. If you didn't know, you get the dragon crossbow limbs from tormented demons. This is okay, but Jagex took it one step farther. Try looking up dragon crossbows and see what shows up.
Next is the Armadyl Crossbow. At least Jagex gave it an effect like the godswords. Oh wait, they didn't. (Jagex definitely doesn't favor melee) Ok, I'll just get the Barrow's degradable version then. (Karil's pistol and off-hand pistol crossbow) Oh, it only uses bolt racks, how nice.
First is how bad throwing weapons are. They only have regular tiers up to dragon, then it goes haywire. The only throwing weapon that goes up to dragon is darts. The next highest is level 70 which is Blisterwood stakes. These aren't the best weapon.
1. Requires a lot of quests to unlock
2. Time-consuming to get in large quantities.
3. No off-hand version
4. I'm not even sure if they are good on non-vampyres
Then there are sagaies at 72. Again, no off-hand version. I don't even want to include the roughly 100k a pop M. javs.
Another issue is the cape slot. There are only four Range-specific capes. They are the arrowstorm drape and the three Ava's devices. All three devices require quests and the last one requires the completion of Do No Evil. But all of them are inferior to the TokHaar-Kal.
Now it's the big boy's turn.
Crossbow bolts are very messed up. A little known fact about bolts is that they are now the daggers of Ranged. Don't believe me? Check it. That's right, you might as well be dual wielding daggers over crossbows. Frustrating isn't it?
Jagex didn't think this was funny enough so they messed around with what each crossbow can fire. Your trusty rune crossbow can only fire mithril enchanted bolts. What's that, you'll just buy a higher leveled one? The post above about crossbows is sinking in now. Not only are the crossbows the daggers of ranged, they can't fire any decent ammo.
What ever happened to bakriminel bolts? You know, the anti-mage ones. They are 9 damage higher than the level 60 bolts. Yay, more dead content that is meant for rangers.
Most of Ranged abilities are clones of the melee ones. Melee is Jagex's baby and is strong so this is good right? Wrong. I meant to say weakened clones.

First up is Piercing shot. It does 125% wep damage and up to 157% if the enemy is stunned. Not bad with a 3s cooldown. But then we see that melee has two abilities that are close but don't do extra damage if the enemy is stunned. Instead, one has a 10% higher crit chance and the other disables protection prayers. When you factor in that ranged has one stunning ability that only lasts for 3s, melee won this round.
Next is Binding shot. It binds for 20s and stuns for 3s. Not very useful considering it is meant for mages. It is the only stunning attack ranged has while melee has four. I guess Ranged won one.
Riccochet does 100% weapon damage and hits up to two extra enemies. Useless when fighting one monster and takes up a spot for a more useful ability. Melee has two stronger threshold abilities and a 125% basic that is close to it. This round goes to melee.
Snapshot is a waste of adreniline for a threshold. It is two auto-attacks at once or 200% weapon damage. Melee has chanelled abilities that put this to shame. Another round for melee.
Fragmentation shot is one of Ranged's good abilities. 100-188% dot plus its tripled when the enemy moves and it lasts for six seconds. Pretty good for a basic. Melee has a similar ability but at least it is a threshold. Slaughter does 100-250% plus it triples on movement and lasts for ten seconds. Ranged wins because Frag shot is a basic and can be fired twice before slaughter can go off.
Bombardment is another good ability. It does 219% damage on an enemy and on its adjacent enemies. Melee doesn't have anything like this and that is good.
Deadshot is pretty bad for an ultimate. It does 188% damage and another 157% over 6s. Melee's version does 200-400% instantly or 219% plus it reduces the opponents damage output by 25% for 20s. I would say a tie but leaning for melee.
Escape doesn't have a real use when I'm supposed to use it against mages. All it does is move you seven spaces back. A meleer should just use barge to counter. It's not really an attack so I can't say which is better.
Incendiary shot is very useful. You fire a shot and 3s later it does up to 40% of the enemies max health. It can be countered if you're paying attention but at least melee doesn't have anything as good as this.
Snipe is next to useless. You charge for 3s and then do an attack that does up to 219% weapon damage. This sounds good but it isn't when you factor in how inaccurate the attack is. You become a punching bag for 3s and you can miss. Most times it doesn't even hit 200% damage.
Rapid fire looks good but compare it to the melee abilities and it becomes a sad excuse of a threshold. Asphyxiate and destroy do the same amount of damage. But they stun. Melee also has assault that does over 100% weapon damage more than rapid fire and does the ability faster.
Unload is Ranged's last ability. All the opponent has to do is move one space and with the long start-up, you will not hit him once. Melee's version is slightly more useful because they have more stuns.