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I saw the game plug-in to cheat the players

Use to play Diablo III box players in the game account stop closure The account stop closure message pops up many players in the game and was told to use a third-party illegal software destroyed the balance of the game like permanent freeze. Banned accounts are basically playing games network developed by the multi-to play Diablo box "with relevant statistics nearly 10,000 players title count D3 Gold, Diablo III Items, account level, the pinnacle level by multi-play box led to more than ten million yuan loss, these should be who is going to compensate?Play Diablo 3 box play Diablo 3 can modify the font, a key for equipment, the distance between their perspective so gaming delight, this increased games playable software. Why is the title? Only because the early Blizzard statement on non-use of third-party software, the majority of players want this as a warning. From Blizzard's reply, I saw the game plug-in to cheat the players, but in fact multi-play box has no functional the deception or direct economic benefits.General manager Cao Tianjin to play more again said, "we deal with the attitude of this event, regardless of who is to blame, to the user's interests as a priority. Official asked us to remain silent as much as possible, and we will be finishing our forum to communicate process end result is that Blizzard U.S. headquarters decision in the process, we also get a multi-party support of Blizzard Chinese colleagues, and through a variety of channels, to user demands submitted to the United States headquarters, we are still waiting for news. the download link of the box is still not closed, although the download page is still retained, but the play has closed the download link players Download "pause download" dialog box will appear.

Views about the injury problem in diablo 3 Likely has many friends not figure out three specific attributes comparison, for the convenience of the following simple science, let you more clearly the effect of these attributes. This is not a technical paste, so I do not refer to the formula, but also do not do what the video test, the test has Great God, I direct conclusions summed up formulas and test long before.It is assumed that the three rings are A plus 30 minimum damage. B plus 30 maximum damage. C plus 10 to 20 injuries.1, under normal circumstances, the three rings proceeds identical, are 15 proceeds injury.2, the special case of 1) the maximum damage and minimum damage of weapons the difference is less than 30. 1.0, 30 to 45, such as a weapon, IAS, if put on the ring A minimal damage plus 30.At this time, the the minimum damage becomes 60> Maximum Damage 45. At this time dph will be constant at 60. At this time, the actual income is hurt 22.5.3, a special case of 2) sometimes 10 to 20 income will be greater than 15 were hurt, the auction house is not 15 Diablo 3 Gold.This is because there is hidden damage does not show up. Actual injury revenue is equal to (30 hidden damage) / 2.Concluded usually hurt because xx ~ xx affixes value significantly greater than the maximum damage or minimal damage affixes, and I am sure I have to Select XX ~ XX hurt affix the ring. Special circumstances looks minimal damage ring than the greatest harm to the good, but in fact 60 weapons plus dozens smallest injury can exceed the maximum damage basically does not exist, and so can be ignored. Auction house shows, that is a bug. The special case of two with the ring hidden damage is a good thing. The way to popularize another conclusion, the force crit storm damage constant attack speed the faster, the higher the income of all injuries, not Xiangjie principle, a look at the damage formula will be able to understand.

Voted to kill the players to be alert to repair Diablo 3 Some time ago the official blue stickers will be removed in the new version the vote kicking 10 seconds lock time has been described, but this loophole in expert mode "vote to kill" and therefore more players to know. So in this lean when players play expert mode to be especially careful not to be black.if you a diablo 3 platyer welcome to visit our site we will offer you cheap Diablo 3 Gold !Here is a player readme tragedy to happen to them, is hereby issued a document to alert the majority of players. Things have occurred nearly two weeks, but still wanted to write to let everyone know, to avoid falling into the same trap inside.Take a look to select A3 publicly game inside, plus I have four people, point the flag scene fortress lower. At this time, we have to fly back to the city, I feel strange, I followed to fly back to the city. I was a little inside about three seconds the screen displayed the countdown about five seconds countdown, at the same time show the security, start the countdown 10 seconds before the countdown finished, elite yellow letters Fallen dogs walked floor fire, imprisonment, others do not know, hold the countdown to 6,7 seconds hung up, the obviously malicious vote to remove the game, to play open yourself to pay attention to. Do not point the flag the Transmitting point is risky.I've Diablo removed, busy with other things in real life, I wish you have a pleasant time .