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Behind the scenes of May

A huge entity, dark and viscous that nobody knows the origin is emerging foul depths of Lumbridge Swamp. However, one thing is certain: this is the perfect opportunity for beginners to improve Prayers this skill with a friendly and fun way!
Customers can join Ysondria in Lumbridge Swamp to help channel the forces of nature using only their unyielding faith. Players that will help fend off waves of corruption will be rewarded with generous gains Prayer XP. It sometimes happens that the abomination causing these disorders leading his disgusting little face. If this were to occur, return it to where it comes to pocket even more XP!
The amount of Prayer XP you can earn through this method of training is limited, but it will be sufficient to allow players with a Prayer level between 1 and 40 to improve their performance without necessarily having to bury a multitude of chicken bones. As for the other players, they have the opportunity to win a nice jackpot of Prayer XP in an area of ​​great game, while having fun and chatting with their friends!
This update will delight lovers of stories and legends. This month, they can learn about their favorite gods and earn great rewards paying allegiance.
After the events in the quest Awakening in the world, the gods of RuneScape have every intention of revenge and prepare their return. Eight new known as emissaries of the gods represent the NPC name and attempt to rally to their cause. Each outfall speak in favor of a god and will present in detail the causes he supports. They will also tell you more about the history of the deity in question since the publication of edicts and what you can do to show your support.
You can join to any of the eight factions represented. If you prefer the serenity, freedom and a sense of justice you live, you probably choose Armadyl. Unless you can not resist the call of chaos and you feel like you need to let you continuously consumed by the fire of calamity to emerge from the flames still stronger than before ... If this is the case, the teachings of Zamorak are made for you. But if you think that Guthix was right and that the gods had better take care of their business, then the new faction godless may interest you!
Whether you are a subscriber or not, you can pledge allegiance to your favorite faction and win a title and a banner handy allowing you to display your choice. In addition, subscribers can also perform combat-related goals, skills, and exploration to the emissary they chose. They thus gain the XP, a new helmet with stats hybrid combat level 60 and they will receive some combat bonuses and skills.
This month, farmers can get their high hand (green) in 10 new varieties of plants! These plants, which are the prerequisites of level 76 to 96, will give you the opportunity to use certain types of less popular sites such as plots of hops, flowers and even gardens. Suffice to say they are a great help for all those who wish to reach level 99 in Agriculture!
And they will give you many additional benefits. Indeed, they allow you more cause other skills. For example, try to take a fruit of the mouth of a Venus flytrap Flytrap (watch your fingers), and you will get by eating the XP Thieving! Collect Jerusalem artichoke tubers buried in the ground and your efforts will be rewarded with the XP Force. Use your construction expertise to grow grape vines and produce wine in honor of the gods that will enhance the effects of your divine potions!
With all these innovations, and many others, provided for jurisdiction Agriculture, the spring in RuneScape promises to be flowers!
In addition to updates to content mentioned above, we will arrange a maintenance of the bonus XP. There are many different objects in RuneScape that improve your XP gains through skills or combat training. We decided it was now time to put some order and harmonize.
Following this update, the XP bonus you receive will be based on the same system of sponsorship friend. Most of these changes do not seem you probably obvious but they will be useful in the development of future projects. However, there is a significant change that you will not fail to note: in most cases, you will not be forced to wear an object to the bonus XP it confers. So rather than to equip your amulet usual XP, you can for example be an amulet giving you a combat bonus.
Many interesting articles will soon appear in the store of Solomon and the roust of fortune, including the program a key box sham for weapons, a great number of new death animations in PvP and Fiesta Guerreros of which add a little spice to your life. Will delight those of you who want to have fun by purchasing items in decorative function.

Test program RuneScape
The test program RuneScape 3 began last month and started with a bang! You were very likely to access the beta test client HTML5 game and alpha-test the new system interfaces. In addition, you sent all kinds of relevant comments and suggestions to us high quality. We do our best to correct it as quickly reported bugs and performance problems in order to proceed to the second stage of the program during this month. We will then invite other players to join the testers already selected, then we will make the client and the new HTML5 game system available for all RuneScape before its official release interfaces.
Feel free to send us your comments and suggestions! It is your participation, your ideas, requests and observations that will make RuneScape 3 game you want. You have not yet had the opportunity to discover these new for yourself? Do not worry because a new registration session will take place very soon, so keep an eye on the news of RuneScape!