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After five minutes

Silver Cultivator, basically converted as "McKinnon. U.S. "Time" magazine's description is this: those percolate gamers earn activity gold in activities or activity devices, these exclusive items through the Internet sale of your energy and effort gamers in return for real currency.

This is a walk on the edge of the industry of legal greyish area. Goldsmith studio space often buy in order to get more silver coins, "the greyish No. of unlawful use of account (online games), use the" connect "(a kind of Virus equine programs, training activity personality to do it again the same" hit gold "action , leading to significant access to gold). The causing impact is that huge numbers of silver coins will cause the rising prices of the encounter globe, increasing the difficulty of the encounter, reduce the appeal of the encounter, it has always been the hit of the encounter designers, and may even suffer heavy penalties: Nanjing partners using the "plug" for profit, be sentenced to a total of nine decades in jail for "illegal diablo 3 gold".

19:30 IT white-collar Xue Liang finished dinner, sit down at a pc, there is no, as regular, start recently been playing Diablo Diablo 3 "(hereinafter known as as" Diablo 3 ") activity, but the first point to start Taobao page, efficiently get into the keyword and key phrase "dark gold". Then, out of a full 26 business information. Xue Liang then select a shop visited by home ad: hand crafted blueberry gold (Note: Diablo 3 gold like 'big pineapple'), 10 thousand = 35, you know . "

After five minutes, Xue Liang to get into the "Diablo 3" activity to control their own role to perform in the encounter "Mystic", towards an onset barbarians. The "barbarians" start deal interface, get into a sequence of numbers in the "gold" distribution bar. Xue Liang carefully mentioned 10 thousand, yes. "Xue Liang instantly requested a" verification ", viewed the" barbarians "to vanish.

In the unusual globe of activities, devices, and level decides the position of tasks in the encounter allows gamers to become characters in that globe, and popular the basic conditions. However, to obtain a best devices needs a lot of persistence, Xue Liang gamers choose to spend cash to buy gold, then gold-exchange devices. They have a specific term - "diablo 3 gold", is the god of the goldsmith studio space.

Xue Liang purchase of silver coins, 301, Minhang Region, an common personal structures, inside, six goldsmith in front of the pc to perform gold. In the house, the acrid smoking ruining, the smoke-filled. Small living space area, part by part was standing eight screen is the "Diablo 3" activity interface. Another space, the ground is made of two mat stacked unpleasant bedding, in addition, there is no furniture.

This is one of the most common goldsmith studio space, writer reason to apply the goldsmith who was able to glance the whole picture. Recruiting requirements, it is simple: Stabilizing or goldsmith encounter, or activities for more than two decades encounter, no encounter free training; diligent, serious and accountable work, no bad routines, unity of cooperation; to adhere to the guidelines of the Cheap Diablo 3 Gold space, pay attention to the authority preparations, capable of doing more than 12 hours shifts; to bring my ID card.