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Jagex removed the free version of RuneScape Classic

Jagex removed the free version of RuneScape Classic

RuneScape Classic ( RSC also , RS1 or RSclassic ) , published on 4 January 2001 is the older version of RuneScape . Only players who have registered before Runescape 2 is allowed to play the game. On 29 March 2004 the RSC server OFFICIAL removed . However, it is still available on a page , for players who prefer to play RuneScape Classic instead of the normal RuneScape. An account is used for both versions , but the items and skills are independent. On 4 August 2005 Jagex removed the free version of RuneScape Classic . On 15 January 2006 was the only player to play RSC , which located on the 4th August 2005 and 15 Had logged in January 2006. That was for the players was because RuneScape Classic has not been updated .


Originally there were only regularly B鋟me.Allerings Jagex has updated the game later because of the skill Flechting ( Fletching ) . Unlike today's RuneScape Woodcutting in the RSC took much longer because you always slipped out of the trees with an ax and had to start again from scratch.

Fire Making

Only the logs of normal trees could be burned and you could make a fire anywhere , even in banks. The logs manually, you first had to drop before they go konnten.Es light on the experience , how much XP was a log. Before there was the skill Fletching , Woodcutting worked in the same way .


Originally, the ores had no color. Thus, each player had to keep to " evaluate " button. It was not until the introduction of fatigue (tiredness ) ores had different colors. In addition, they built nich automatically , but had to click repeatedly . Also you had on the rocks right click Always relieve him.


For a long time bones and big bones were the only way to train prayer. Therefore, it was very hard to train. Until someone suggested the dragon bones , the bones were the only three to RSC , except for the bat bones, but they were rarely used.


Magic was similar Range ( Ranged ) . The spells are sometimes "gefailed " . If this happened while the player maintained his runes , but could speak no more spell for 20 seconds. From a higher level in magic heard on this . Car Casting (Auto magic ) did not . Because runes were far less likely to RSC , they gave more XP .


Armour had many differences in RuneScape Classic , mainly that different male and female armor. Female tops had more of a curvy shape and lower neckline with plates on the shoulders and gauntlets (some of the tops) . The skirt went down to the floor . In the case of the male armor it was more of a six-pack , although the upper entire body was covered up down to the hands . The legs had called a rather baggy appearance , sometimes " snow pants " . Some players were a bit annoyed by the fact that male characters were blocked from wearing feminine tops, but women could wear male or female plate armor as it was in the beginning w黱schten.Am RuneScape Calssic only iron, steel and mithril . Later, adamant, rune and black have been added. Another important difference was that plate armor could not be taken simultaneously with gloves and platelegs not the same with boots. However, if a character was wearing a necklace you could also wear gloves . Some PKers (Player Killers ) preferring to wear a necklace to wear gloves and to get low , gained at the expense of some defense attack increase .


The bank in RuneScape Classic was much more difficult to use. For example, players could take or only put a limit in a given time . Therefore, the trade was very time consuming with many masses. Moreover , since only one player could talk to an NPC ( Ardougne , Draynor , Falador ) the bank was difficult to use in large commercial areas.


Fatigue was introduced to combat bots . The training of skills increased the fatigue until they reached 100% where you then did not get any more XP , so it was difficult to level . In the beginning, players could only sleep in beds , but then , after a while , sleeping bags were introduced. They reduced fatigue not as fast as beds. We always had a random word correctly type (code) . Fatigue was introduced shortly before RuneScape second The concept was not popular , despite the fact that the time it took to actually reach level , even worse was the fact that you indeed for fishing or mining sometimes " failen " by disturbed wurde.Fatigue made ​​some changes through before you put it in the transition from RSC to RS 2nd They believed it was deleted because there were bots that randomly typed the word itself. The delete of fatigue in RuneScape 2 was done also because of the addition of random events that were designed to prevent macroing .