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If you want to know more about the Runescape

I started off with Sylvanias, mainly because I抦 a fan boy and I play Horde. Off the bat I was surprised. The deck was built to play quick, as most of the abilities and allies were low-cost. There are also plenty of Quests to complete, which meant I was never left without resources.

By my fourth turn I had a long-range weapon, a pet, and a couple of allies ready for battle. As most Hunter decks run, this was set for efficient and quick kills. There weren抰 a lot of Protectors, and success weighed heavily on my hero to pull off damage. Overall, the deck didn抰 do too badly.

The second round I switched it up. I ran Jana, and the experience was totally different. Jana抯 deck played slower, and more methodical. I ran low on resources, and ended up using a lot of cheap runescape gold actual cards to substitute in.

This left me with holes, leaving my defense open to attack. Once I got some resources under my belt, though, I was sitting nicely. Jana has a lot of Protectors under her ranks, and it became difficult for my opponent to hit her.

She is very much agro control, and works on stopping opponents before they get across the line. She has a lot of abilities that control opposing allies, as well as damaging with direct spells. The only drawback to this is that eventually these spells will get all played out.

Once it got to this point, I was left helpless with nothing else to do. My allies got taken out, and I was a sitting duck. Needless to say, I lost this match. With more strategy and patience, I think I could have pulled it out in the end.

The Bottom Line

All in all both of the Champion Decks were a lot of fun to play. Being able to control a powerful force of Nazareth was very interesting, and added a new phase to the game. The decks, while not built perfectly for a tournament, are fun to play.

They are tournament-ready, however, so if you felt bold you could run them. There are five total, so there抯 three more that I haven抰 picked up. I will say, though, that if you抮e a fan looking to get started in the card game, or if you just want to have a new experience with the existing game, picking up one of these would be a great idea.

Each deck is priced at around $12, so they抮e not going to break you. Well, at least not in the wallet anyway. So if you want to switch things up, grab one while they抮e available.

This is the final end of the article about the review of the Champion Decks in the Run escape. I hope what I have told you is helpful to you and I wish you can make a great benefit from it.

If you want to know more about the Runescape, please visit this website and I believe you will be satisfied with us. Good luck!