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Patch brings many changes to the pre-season game

League of Legends: Patch brings many changes to the pre-season game

It's patch day in League of Legends ! Today in the early morning hours was 3:14 in the online game patch , which had next to Nasus rework of many of the announced pre-season changes and adjustments champion in his luggage. Even the official patch notes have been published Riot .

Riot has screwed in the wake of today's Preason updates etc. at the Champions Corki , Nidalee , Sivir and Vayne . Also been changes to the way in which skills for champions that are designed as a supporter scale .

"Our goal is to determine the benefits and protection as higher damage output , and we had to more revenue for gold supporter numerical values ​​to adjust to ensure that certain champions are not too oppressive powerful ," says the developer to do so.

Other highlights of the patch also include the changes in perspective , changes in the flow of the game , new championships and of course the visual revision of Nasus . The complete patch notes with details about all the changes you can find us on !

The 10 free playable champions in League of Legends for Season 3 : 42 Week of 19/11/2013 - 25/11/2013 are : Miss Fortune , Sona , Sivir , Xin Zhao, Anivia , Trundle, Pantheon , Ahriman , Fiora and Zyra . More details and the current LoL news you can find in this article.

And in recent days was in League of Legends again a lot going on ! So Riot has inter alia announced that the World Cup is being held in South Korea in 2014 . We Also there were a few days later an infographic with interesting stats for the World Cup of the third season .

With Yasuo , the wanderer sword , the next new champion also announced and for all who are looking for a new skin , Sultan Gangplank is now available to buy. Finally , we received on in recent days some info articles on Season 4 Online :

Riot NOC has confirmed today evening in the official forum that Syndras e- ability " of the weak scattering " is not working as it should . Inter alia as some players on Redditberichten , this manifests itself concretely is that taken by the spheres not stun opponents as intended.

According to NOC but the developers are working already working to fix the bug as soon as possible .

We are aware that Syndra 's D capability ( the weak scattering ) is currently not working as they should . We are working to fix this as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding.