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RS Dingoneks And T90 Gloves

This is the suggestion from one of the rs players called The Broly. He recommanded a Level 97 slayer monster on Runelabs. I think you should greatly love this.

The slayer monster is co-op slayer only. Drops add-ons to automaton gloves to create T90 gloves.

Deep within the Kharazi jungle exist a group of beasts renowned for their ferocity, speed, and quick wit. These monsters might bear much resemblance to a sabertooth tiger, If it were not for their scaly exteriors and frightening scorpion tails. In a recent venture deep within Kharazi jungle, the Raptor ran into these beasts, and attempted to slay one for himeself. However, after a long period of combat, he realized he could not slay one of these monsters on his own.

Dingoneks are located in the southwestern corner of the Kharazi jungle. Some trees will have to be removed and perhaps a little more land will need to be added, but not to an excess. This area must be flat with nothingto get in the way, while also being large enough to allow for multiple Dingoneks and multiple teams to combat them, with plenty of space to run around.

With a combat level of 402, Dingoneks make formidable foes. They have 100,000 LP and attack with both melee and magic. 97 Slayer is required and they can only be fought while on a co-op slayer task. Killing a Dingonek provides 5,766 slayer experience, 12,681 combat experience and 4,084 hitpoints experience. They are a triple threat attack, defense, and speed.

Combat with a Dingonek works in 2 phases, one for their first 75,000LP and one for their last 25,000 LP. The first phase of combat consists of both members of the co-op team must dodge attacks from the beasts mighty fangs and agile tail, while simultaneously attempting to do as much damage as possible. Once the creature reaches 25,000 LP, the second phase begins.

The Dingonek will attack with such speed and power that one slayer must focus solely on distracting it and surviving. Meanwhile, the other slayer must attempt to get behind the beast in order to deal damage, and ultimately slay it.

Dingoneks have a drop table similar to that of other high level slayer creatures, including things like noted logs, noted ores and bars, and a variety of rune equipment. Their specific drops include Dingonek Bones, which provide a base of 182 prayer experience. Each player killing the Dingonek will get their own drop set, including their own set of bones.

Dingoneks also have three rare drops, Dingonek Acid, Dingonek Fangs, and a Dingonek Stinger. These are used along side Automaton Gloves in order to make T90 Tank Gloves.