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News About the Starcraft Unit Upgrades

If you love playing Starcraft, you must be really excited about the news of Starcraft 11 and are anxiously awaiting information about the Starcraft unit upgrades you can expect to see. The best way to give you the information is to go through the various units of the Protoss, Zerg and Terran units and give a list of upgrades.

Protoss units and upgrades:
– Probe: ground armor and plasma shields
– Zealots: charge, ground armor, plasma shields and ground weapons
– Stalker: Blink (instantly teleport from one location to another), ground armor, ground weapons and plasma shields
– Immortal: ground weapons, ground armor, hardened shield and plasma shields
– Nullifier: ground armor, ground weapons, plasma shield
– High Templar: Ground armor, Khaydarin amulet, plasma shields and Psi Storm
– Dark Templar: ground armor, ground weapons, plasma shields
– Twilight Archon: ground armor, ground weapons and plasma shields
– Observer: air armor, gravity booster, plasma shields
– Colossus: ground armor, ground weapons, null-flux generator and plasma shields
– Phase Prism: air armor, gravity drive and plasma shields
– Phoenix: air armor, air weapons and plasma shield
– Warp ray: air armor, air weapons and plasma shields
– Carrier: air armor, air weapons and plasma shields
– Mothership: air armor, air weapons and plasma shield

Zerg Units and upgrades:
– Overlord: an upgrade to overseer
– Zergling: can become a Baneling
– Infestor: the upgrades include the ability to spread disease and infests the enemy
– Hydralisk: upgrades to Lurker
– Mutalisk: upgrades to Swarm Guardian
– Queen: upgrades to Lair Watcher
– Lair Watcher: upgrades to Hive Matriarch

Terran Units and upgrades:
– SCV: infantry armor and infantry weapons
– Marine: combat shield, infantry armor, infantry weapons, Stim pack and U-238 shells
– Reaper: infantry armor and infantry weapons
– Ghost: infantry armor and infantry weapons
– Marauder: infantry armor, infantry weapons and Stim Pack
– Jackal: this is a new unit for which there is no information yet available
– Siege Tank: Siege Tech, vehicle plating and vehicle weapons
– Thor: vehicle plating and vehicle weapons
– Medivac Dropship: no information has been released on this unit
– Nomad: ship plating
– Banshee: ship plating, ship weapons and all around invisibility cloaking
– Viking: vehicle plating and vehicle weapons
– Battlecruiser: ship plating and ship weapons

The result of the upgrades is that all units have more abilities than they did in the previous Starcraft. Thus you can use more strategies in planning your moves when playing the part of each race in the scenarios of the game and on different maps. It means that some of the strategies you used in the original game will not be effective against some of the units that now have more abilities.

By knowing before the game is released what the various upgrades mean for each of the units and knowing that there will be new units for each of the races can help you plan your moves before the game is even released.

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