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World of Warcraft Tips

World of Warcraft (or WoW) is at the moment one of the most popular online role playing games in the world. You can logon anytime during the day, or night for that matter and you will find hundreds of thousands of people already inside the World of Warcraft servers.

All these people are grinding, questing, selling items, and basically trying to get their characters to level 60 in the best time possible. In some cases, it could take you a few weeks to reach level 60, for others a few months but, it can be done in days when you know what you’re doing.

Your WoW leveling speed is all up to you. It’s up to you on how long you play the game and it’s up to you on how you play.

If you can only put in a couple of hours a day then don’t expect to get to level 60 very quickly, the more you play obviously depends on how good you get with each new experience will could find an easier and quicker way of doing things. Two of the main ways you can gain experience and start levelling up quickly are grinding and doing quests.

So, a bit about questing. Questing involves going through some predetermined quests or tasks given to you by non-player characters within your game

While some of the quests can be easy for example, “Kill xx number of a certain type of enemy” other quests can turn out to be a bit more difficult and may involve travelling between more than one map while performing numerous tasks to finish the quest.

Quests are really what World of Warcraft is built around for its main storyline. Quests also strengthen the game by adding a lot of interaction between you the player and all the non-player characters in the World of Warcraft game.

What’s grinding. Well in simple terms it is easiest to say travelling around the WoW map looking for enemies to destroy.

You can go and attack groups of enemies which can have a high experience or you can go and seek out lots of enemies that you can defeat quite quickly.

Although this method can lead to a great deal of experience very quickly, it can also get a bit tedious and quite boring when you have to wander around the World of Warcraft map trying to find groups that will fit into the right criteria.

Also, you will not be able to stay only on one map and hope to be able to get to level 60. When your character begins to increase levels and gain experience, the groups that you were previously getting plenty of experience will begin to give you less and less as time goes on.

These fading returns stop you at around level 20 from gaining any further rewards by killing enemies that are levels lower than you. The time you will spend travelling from map to map will also slow your levelling speed.

Although grinding can and does help you reach level 60-70, it must not be your main focus within World of Warcraft.

Questing is the almost always preferred by players, including two who have been able to reach level 60 in almost record times.

Questing can also be great fun and add excellent experience in your play, going that route to reach higher levels in World of Warcraft will not only get the player to level up a lot quicker, but it will make your game a lot more enjoyable in the long run.

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