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Xbox Kinect Is The Revolution

The Bad
Most people or writers like to start off with good news, that way it lessens the blow of the bad news. Starting with good only leads to bad. I prefer to begin with the bad news and then leave you with the positive spin on it.
I got my xbox on November 5th so i have had almost a month to test the system and controls out. Everything was good at first. I was jaded by the technology that lay before me.The more I played the xbox kinecct the more I realised I should have waited to purchase it. It would have been nice to know of these issues up front so I could have better prepared for them.
The space that was required to play the xbox kienct was possibly the most frustrating issue.A six foot by six foot area is whats required for you to play in. For those of us that live in a smaller home or apartment this is a bit of an issue. I have a small house that I live in. I have to move everything out of my family room in order to play.This gets really old.
The second thing that I have noticed is the games are more demos than full games. Your Xbox Kinectwill come with one game which is ‘Kinect Adventures.’ You look for new adventures all around the world. The issue here is you only get five adventures to play and then the game is over. Don’t get me wrong, this is an extremely fun game but it is lacking on actual Adventures.
The second game that my son actually plays is kinectimals. This game allows you to have a wild animal as a pet. You get to choose between a tiger cub, lion, leopard, black panther and a cheetah.You will be able to play with your cub and teach her new tricks. TMy daughter liked this game alot but grew bored with it after a couple of weeks.
Figuring out where to put the xbox kinect so that it could track us was very time consuming.If you have a huge entertainment center and shelves already setup than you won’t have a problem with this. I do not have that luxury though. When placing the kinect you may run into a few problems. You cant place it on the floor or on top of the tv because it will have issues tracking you. I went to home depot and got a shelf for it to sit on. There are worse things in the world than looking for a shelf but its enough to annoy you.
The Good
The xbox kinect will be a wonderful addition to your entertainment as long as these issues are ok with you. The Xbox Kinect is an amazing system. This system will be really incredible once it is further along in its development.This technology will soon take over our entertainment industry.
The xbox kinect games will continue to advance and grow. Soon they will be as complex as games like halo.I don’t know if they will ever enter the world of a first person shooter but at the same time this system is not targeted at the hard core gamer. It is more for families and kids. I do enjoy playing with my son but I also enjoy jumping online and playing some halo.

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