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DC Universe Online Guide

So, just a few weeks ago, the biggest new MMO of the year was released by Sony Online. You probably already know the nitty gritty of DCU Online and how it took the world’s best beloved comic book figures and put them square in the middle of a brand new MMO.

But, now that we’ve had some time to digest what the folks at Sony and Warner Bros have done, it’s time to actually dig in and get some stuff done. The Level 30 cap may seem like no challenge, but there’s a bit of a grind behind it, not to mention a LOT of content that you can unlock like Legends, Alerts, and Raids.

To start with, it depends on what type of gamer you are. If you’re the type who got to level 30 on the second day of the game being out, with thousands of cash in your bank and a whole boatload of top tier gear, you probably aren’t the target audience. Yeah, you could benefit from the guide, but it’s not for the super elite.

It’s for everyone else. The normal guys who want to get the Tier 2 gear and reach Level 30 without having to spend 23 hours a day spamming the shift button. That’s what makes so many gamers balk at games like this and Tony’s guide has a lot of good stuff in it that will let you skip the grind line.

So, should you get DC Universe Online Secrets? If you are anything less than a super elite who already dinged level 30, then yes, it’s a great fit. For you guys on top? Maybe you can help me out with a couple Alerts?

One of the first things you will do in DC Universe Online is choose the powers your character will display as they level up. When you first get started, all power trees will focus solely on dealing damage, but as the game progresses, those powers can be specialized to match the end-game style of play you’ll go through, depending on your initial choice, so it’s important to get it right the first time out.

Your power tree choices include:

. Fire – Fire is a primarily tanking power though it can deal some hefty damage with the long range specialization.
. Ice – Ice is also a tanking power though again it can be used for damage as well as crowd control if you go with range.
. Mental – Mental comes in two flavours – telekinesis and illusion. They have different uses, but they work great in a crowd control capacity.
. Nature – Nature is a great way to get the healing stats you need if you’re trying to be an end-game healer. Plants will give you all sorts of crowd control options as well.
. Sorcery – Sorcery works through a variety of different ways to provide buffs and debuffs to parties and enemies.
. Gadgetry – Like Batman and his utility belt? This is the route for you then. You’ll find a LOT of good traps and tricks here for controlling enemies.

As mentioned above, you’ll be able to use all six of these when you get started for DPS as they are all damage specialized, but when you start to approach level 8 and your loadout selection, you’ll need to choose which route is best for you. There are four of them including damage, healing, defense, and control. Each role will be vital in Alerts and raids alike depending on your team makeup.

If you choose to go with tanking you should choose Ice or Fire, Control should choose Mental or Gadgetry, Healers should choose Sorcery or Nature and Damage can choose any of the six as they all scale well for DPS.

And of course don’t forget the fact that you can choose Iconic Powers every two levels starting at level 10 if you’d prefer to go with the classics like X Ray Vision. DCU Online is a fantastic recreation of a universe that has been written about for more than 70 years. Enjoy engaging with some of the powers that helped make it such an iconic part of Americana.

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