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I Caught My Dad Using Farmville Cheats

I keep hereing from my people I run into that Farmvile on Facebook is a blast, hours of fun and enjoyment.

Well I am all for fun, so I am going to be a digital farmer.Of everyone I know who is playing the game, it is my father who seems to know how to play the best.His fram seems to have everything, cool trees, buildings and losts of neighbors.

I coudl never make my farm to look as cool as my Dad’s farm, I could not even muster up enough Farmvill cash to make much progress.I know you can spend money and make a fram look well appointed and seem to be a success, but I did not want pay money for bits and bytes on a computer screen.Call me old school, but I only spend real money on real stuff, things I can put in a box or eat or feel.Do not hate me for this, I grew up in the 60’s.

My crops and trees did not live long, and I was tired the farm looking like some type of scorched earth policy, so I went to my Father for some advice.How do you do it I asked, did you grow up on a farm? Did punching cows bring you and extra skill set the rest of us do not seem to posess?After all, I spend my days working on a computer and I should be the expert, at least so I thought.I thought the advantge would go to the computer expert, but I was wrong.

Aftere my little question he got a smile like did not expet to see, it is as if his face was saying…”gotcha”. It was then I knew something was up, he knows a secret Farmville cheat, that I do not know.

He leans over and softens his voice and explaines that he is smart, and part of being smart is knowing what you know and what you do not know, and that he purchased an eBook online so he could learn the tips and tricks of Farmville. The book is my Farmville brain trust he went on to explain.If ever I am at a loss for what to do next, I go right to the book.Now I had that same happy face.I told Dad it would have been a good idea to have this visit in the very beginning when I relized he was the resident expert for Farmville in the family.After all, he is my dad, what dad does not want to see their kids be succeful, he did teach me to read and what to do on a camping trip.

In not time we were both at the top among our friends and family who we play farmville with.My younger brother is beside himself.I think he need to visit with my dad like I did. Perhaps someday.

I would say to new commers the game to buy the eBook early and read it right a way. The books are written by Farmville Experts, who spend way too much time playing the game.Life is to short to spend it on a game, fishing for strategy, when a simple read can boost your enjoyment.

The people we play with have keep up friendships, and even renewed friendshiips. I was an istant hit with the kids and adults and provided some happy times. It is amazing what a little time with friends and family can do to our moods.

Happy playing.

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