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Taking a look at the new Nintendo 3DS

I bet that if you are a gamer, you have certainly heard about the Nintendo 3DS and what it can deliver to the hungry gamers out there for new technology, of course. And due to the fact that there was a lot of fuss around it, there will certainly be people that will love the new console and there will also be people that will hate it. When launching a product of this caliber, it is expected that there will always be 2 camps, one that supports and other that hates.

The technology that the new gaming console will use is totally new and it has never been used in any of the consoles that have been produced in the past. The good news here is that from now on, you will be able to play all of your favorite games in 3D. If this will be true and it will rise up to the hype, only time will tell. I really respect companies that produce such gaming consoles and I really put my highest regards for Nintendo’s consoles, as they are really some of the best on the market.

There was also news of some people that have played on the nintendo3ds and they have accused that they were in for dizziness and eye fatigue after playing on the console. The news didn’t mention what is it that caused this to happen, yet my pick is to blame the 3D effect.

Even if this is true or not, Nintendo will find a way to fix this fast. Also, I think hat people will have to get used to this, too, as it is a new technology and it takes time to be comfy with it.

For some people, this bad news will be all that they need in order to consider not buying one such console, but hey, there are lots of other reasons why you should steer your attention towards it. First of all, it uses new technology and it is the first one of its kind on the market. There has been a lot of time and money that Nintendo has invested into it and I bet that they don’t afford to lose them both and deliver a console that just doesn’t rise up to the mark. It doesn’t matter if you are a hardcore gamer or a casual one, for you will be enchanted by this console.

Due to the fact that the marketing results around the Nintendo console have been positive, the company is expecting to have a demand that it will not be able to supply for.

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