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Tired of the constant wipes in wow dungeons?

In the past series of WOW getting into a group for a raid or even for a group was quite a mess... With the improvements of the patch 4.3., the Cataclysm expansion, the Dungeon Finder was introduced. But even with that it was/is quite a struggle to get through the different kinds of bosses of the dungeons. Of course, it's usually worth the struggle to get that sweet reward of new gear, but what if there was a quicker way? I think nothing is as demotivating as getting wipes over and over again at killing a basically simple boss...
Especially if the whole raid or party wipes just because of you alone...I say it is absolutely normal, but the hardcore wow gamers, well, you don't want to be not invited to the following raids...

Well Zygor's Dungeon and Gear guide is all you need. If you've never heard of Zygor (then you should read my other posts as well!! :P) they create in-game guides that use a step by step format to walk you through various aspects of World of Warcraft, as i previously mentioned in the submenus of Zygor leveling guide menu. Their Dungeon and Gear guides take you through all of the major Dungeon quests and includes unique strategies for taking down the toughest foes and bosses, which means you will always know what to do even if you've never been to that dungeon before. It will even includes specific tips and tactics for specific roles, including Tanks, Damage, and Healers. Yes, that's true! You don't have to be a raid leader, a pro player, as a newbie, you can also lead your group into victory! [The guide also includes 40 raid guides that cover over 216 bosses.]

Zygor's Dungeon Guides allow you to quickly track down the best items available for your class at any level with the Dungeon Gear Finder. Just select your role and you will be instantly shown the best items you can currently get from dungeons and with a click of a button you can load the guide for that dungeon immediately. Yes, it scans through your gear list and find the best gear for you and also the dungeons where u can get those gears!! Perfect, isn't it?

If all of this sounds too good to be true you can try out Zygor Guides for yourself today for FREE on their official website using the link below:

Zygor's Dungeon Guide
