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The Best Strategy to Be the Elite in League of Legends

Understanding the Limits

Every champion in the game has limitations. There are things some champs can do that others cannot at all points in the game. Understanding these limitations is the most important thing to becoming a better player.

For example, let's take an assassin like Zed or Talon. Almost every player knows that they are capable of dealing insane amounts of burst damage. However, one thing many lower level players do not know is that they cannot brawl with a bruiser early game. Throughout levels 1-5, if a brawler like Xin Zhao, Riven, or Renekton gets into Zed or Talon's face, Zed or Talon almost surely will die. In fact, most assassin type champions are built for the purpose of doing insane amounts of burst damage to priority targets. While these champs do a lot of burst damage, they have very low sustained damage. If a bruiser type champion can get into an assassin's face before they maximize their burst potential (level 6), the bruiser will usually wind up winning.

Understanding the limitations of all of the champions will allow you as a player to take full advantage of when those champions are weakest, and allow you to act with caution when yours are weak as well. This information make it a lot easier to win lane, whether it be by counter picking or outplaying the opponent.

Level 2 / 3 advantage
Another thing many lower ELO players do not take into consideration is the immense advantage you gain by leveling up, especially in the earlier levels. Being level 2 or 3 while your opponent is level 1 is a massive advantage. Not only do you have higher base stats, but you also have access to more abilities.

For example, let's take a look at a matchup like Lee Sin vs Xin Zhao. In this kind of lane, both champions have the potential to kill the other the moment they hit level 2. If Lee sin hits 2 first, he can immediately Sonic Wave/Resonating Strike over to Xin Zhao for decent damage and throw out his Tempest/Cripple to slow down Xin Zhao while beating him up with auto attacks. In this scenario, what can Xin Zhao do? He is still level 1 and (most likely) has a point invested in either his Three Talon Strike or his Audacious Charge. There is no way he is about to out-damage the Lee Sin, especially with Cripple's attack speed debuff.

However if Xin Zhao hits 2 first, he can immediately Audacious Charge followed by a Three Talon Strike to deal immense damage to the Lee Sin. Lee Sin has no method to escape from the Audacious Charge unless he leveled up his Safeguard/Iron Will first. If he invested in any of the other skills, he has no method of escaping from Xin Zhao unless he flashes away because there is no way that Lee Sin will manage to out-damage the Xin Zhao.

Minions Hurt!
Do not forget about minion damage! Fighting in your opponent near large enemy minion waves is typically not a good idea. Although caster minions may only wind up doing 10-12 damage a hit, when there are 5-6 of them hitting you at once that damage quickly adds up. Use this information to your advantage! For example, if you are playing Singed, if your minions are hitting your laning opponent Fling him into your creep wave! You don't even have to fight with him afterwards. Just fling him behind your creeps and run away letting your little caster minions do the dirty work.

Get those Objectives!
Taking objectives such as Dragon and Towers should have a significantly higher priority than chasing a couple champions for kills. I have seen many games while smurfing where people are too busy chasing other champions to take down towers, and that action would lead to us getting killed, getting a few kills, or getting nothing at all. Killing as many champions is not the objective of the game. The objective of the game is to destroy the enemy Nexus which you can only get to by destroying buildings.

Kills also grant your team a lot less gold than an objective would. A normal kill (that has no bounties or feeding penalties) would result in 450 gold for your team max (kill + assists). A dragon gives every team member 190 gold, and an additional 25 to the person who killed the dragon. 190*5+25 = a whopping 975 gold for your team. More than twice the gold you would get for a kill. I'm no math major but that sounds pretty worth it to me!