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Children are quite literally the future in fifa 15

I never considered myself to be particularly charitable. Don't get me wrong, I don't curse Girls Scouts when I have to dodge around them at the grocery store as they peddle their boxes of baked goods, nor do I speak derisively of the groups of people I occasionally see cleaning up a park, not at all. I was just like most folk, long on the concept of doing good deeds and way short on the execution. Throwing a $20 each December into the bucket of the poor Salvation Army volunteers freezing their butts off in the negative-lots-plus-windchill of a Michigan winter was about my limit.

"Do you want to join us to (insert activity here) at (insert location here) for the cause?" Not particularly, no. Anything centered on the idea of running/walking/biking/etc for a cause were non-starters. Mostly due to the fact they'd require physical activity in an outdoor setting, neither factor being geared for opening any of the altruistic valves in my psyche. Then last year I stumbled across an article on mentioning the Extra Life program. Suddenly, I had before me a charity for a cause I could get behind, and all ("all") I had to do was get my game on for 24 hours straight.

Straightforward, simple, and involves an activity I'm not naturally averse to. Ladies and gentlemen, we got ourselves a ball game.The first thing to catch my attention was the tie-in with the Children's Miracle Network. Ok, this takes care of the "cause" variable in the equation. The other side to that coin is the involvement of the Osmonds, whom even in passing reference cause me blinding pain and intense gastrointestinal distress. But for the sake of the children, I'll deal.Though most people who know me would flatly refuse to believe this, I like kids.

Children are quite literally the future; not yet exposed to the life experiences that cause so many of us to become hardened, cynical bastards, and as such they still believe in wonders and innocence. Frankly they're the only hope for the planet given how adults like myself are completely screwing things up. I have immense respect for the potential children represent, and it grabs me by the heart strings and yanks to see one suffering yet still have the heart to smile. They've done nothing to deserve the trials they endure, and I think it perfectly natural for a person to bare their teeth and growl like Cerberus himself at the fate which would inflict this. The question being, what the hell does a person with no special skills and limited means do about it?

Play games for 24 hours or damn well pass out in the trying, that's what.Which is more or less what happened last year. I signed up, collected my target of $700, and got to it. But something strange happened. Somewhere around 5am on October 17th, between matches on Halo: Reach while wishing my eyes wouldn't hurt so much and listening to my wrists crack, I discovered it can take over two hours to blink. This revelation left me quite astounded and ashamed. Despite my best intentions, I didn't make it for 24 hours.