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Top Selling Video Games

Gaming industry has transformed into a multi-billion dollar industry with profits increasing every year. The gaming craze has got everyone in its grasp, from young to old, male or female; all are equally engaged in gaming. With the advent of mobile devices, gaming has gone mobile. Gaming on a mobile still has long way to go until it can stand toe to toe with PC or console gaming.

Experts suggest that PCs are dead but gaming is still keeping PC alive. PC has an advantage over consoles and gaming on the mobile devices when it comes to precision and upgradability. Swapping parts to meet the current needs of graphic intensive games is what makes PC different from consoles. PC are also the best option if you want to indulge in cheap video games.

Simply put, gaming demands power that the PC can provide and if you are looking for the best gaming experience, go for the gaming PC with the best gaming components and graphic card to power your entertainment. A gaming PC will keep gamers interested for longer than consoles because gaming consoles becomes obsolete within a year or two.

Gaming, like other things have its pros and cons and gamers have to keep in mind that excess of everything is bad. This theory also applies to gaming. I know that gaming is addictive but don't let it to spoil your social life otherwise you will be in trouble.

There are serious health hazards for playing games for many hours daily. This is not advisable. You should play games in your sphere time and for couple of hours not more than that. Gaming increases your skills such as hand eye coordination which can help you in real life as well.

The list of some of the best selling video games are given below

Assassin Creed 4 Black Flag

Another popular name in the world of gaming is Assassin Creed. The latest member in the series has also maintained the legacy created by previous versions of the game. Ubisoft has ironed out flaws from previous versions and taken brilliant aspects of previous versions and combined them to give it a form of a game. The game is different in many different aspects from its older version. You can play as a realistic pirate and be on ships and explore the seas. The visuals and audio effects are stunning and game play is excellent as well.

Grand Theft Auto V

One of the most famous gaming series makes it presence felt whenever it releases latest version of the game. Grand Theft Auto V has sold more than 30 million copies world-wide and is one of the most popular games in the world. It is the largest grossing game from the makers of GTA series and like all the previous iterations, this one have also not disappointed them. GTA V is a completely different game with shades of older version but the game mechanics and game play is addictive. Gamers will get hooked for hours. Explore the world of GTA V and enjoy the best gaming experience.

Call of Duty: Modern Warefare 2

This one is the older version of the popular game and got its place because this older version has made a name what the newer version of the game failed to achieve. Call of Duty Modern Warefare 2 picks up from where the previous version left off but gave it a completely different twist with a unique story line and improvements in game play. Campaign mode is back and is more intense this time around. The game is also cut above the older versions and is a visual treat for gamers with detailed characters and breathtaking surroundings.


Football fans welcomed the latest entrant into the series with a standing ovation. FIFA 14 broke all previous records. The photo realism and has taken the gameplay to the next level and has set the bar high. Now the AI is not that easy to beat as in the previous version and you will have to work extremely hard to beat it. Multiplayer mode is also there to enjoy the game with friends. It is a treat for all football fans that they should not miss.