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Basic Cube Maintenance: Cleaning and Lubrication

Cubing is an interesting game played mostly in every part of the world. Buying a cube is also easy due to its availability and price. Now-a-days, the number of cubers is increasing because, the cubes are coming in various new patterns and styles. Similarly, it is attracting many youngsters as it involves fast fingers and brain power to solve the mix up. Due to the availability of the Internet, finding a cube shop is also easy. Online shops are supplying a wide array of cubes to any part of the state, even the shipping is also done worldwide.

While it comes to solving a cube, speed cubers hardly take 10-12 seconds. This speed depends upon many factors. Tricks, fast finger, brain power, etc. are needed for solving a cube. But, one important factor is there. That is turning speed of the cube. Unless a maintenance process is followed, it is not possible to play in a high speed. So, cleaning and lubrication is highly essential.

The Process of Opening the Cube:

Turn any face of the cube to forty five degrees. By using the thumb, an edge piece can be lifted. The block can be pulled upward with the help of a screw driver or any other similar object. Forcing and use of any sharp object is prohibited as, there is the risk of crack. One the edge is out, other parts can be easily break apart. The edge part is installed at the last while rearranging the cube.

Sticker Replacement:

Previously, the Rubik's cube was available with the genuine vinyl stickers. These stickers were very strong and durable. They didn't fade or peel easily. Now-a-days, stickers are of low quality and coming with thin plastic films. After a month of use these materials start peeling. So, replacement needs to be done in order to keep the puzzles look good. These stickers are available in the same cubing stores.

Cube Lubrication:

Before lubrication, cleaning is an important step. Using tissues, the outer part and the undersides of the centrepieces need to be rubbed.
For lubrication. Silicon based lubricant is recommended. Because, petroleum lubricant damages the plastic. While lubricating, an edge piece can be taken out and the oil can be sprayed in the holes. Now, the edge piece can be put back to its position. Randomly few minutes can be given for spreading the lubricant inside the moving parts.
Cleaning frequency needs to be regular. It may be within few weeks or month wise. Dust need to be clean by using a toothbrush shape object and microfiber car towel is a great option for cleaning the cube.
However, a better maintenance always gives a fresh look and increases the speed of the cube. Cubers around the world are depending upon the speed that is gained by completing the basic maintenance procedure.