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WoW Delano Knight PVP teaching Post: March! March! Coranials!

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1. Talent: I personally do not like to copy other people's regular gift, usually combined with external service discipline as well as their sense of the great God to choose.

Compared with the previous version of my own talent to do a little change: the United States serving high discipline Avengelyne Pursuit of Justice used to give me a little gift inspiration.

St. can now more abundant, so that discipline can be easily stacked to give a 3 St. 30% movement speed, and even if there is no saint could have 15% based on acceleration, the case was about to hit the target than the pillars in order to accelerate the French Open the long arm is better.

Selfless cure is now very sad and could easily be dispelled, the combined effect of the death encounter pressure disciplinary grass there is far worse than the holy pastor Shield, so do not use a knife is not a pure law selfless cure.

Soul unbeaten team in the pure law when using knives, other times mercy. Mirror hurt and processing of blood is too low, A sneak storms advantage is not obvious, but also fix broken control.

The execution of the verdict can also take the initiative with the deadly black crow hunter jewelry, one minute to play a more significant outbreak. The last layer of non-controversial, highest damage is final.

2. Glyph: Glyph my permanent ruling and glory, the general case, the first three with freedom. Mad knife fight disciplinary team can change Divine.

RMP civil war or pastor can change this with Glyph invincible (invincible prevent low blood line was second drive, we eat a short control priest died suddenly you directly).

1) Avengelyne, the top US service discipline, as well as the last game and Dillypoo Shwayzee hunting Correctional grazing competition, very aggressive style of play (and more like the landlord).

2) Vanguards, Yan Primary Six everyone know.

A disciplinary punishment, animal husbandry, though they do not hunt, but his hunting Correctional Sa video also played very good, you can refer to a look. Yan small six dozen more stable, and relatively fit Yoske amazing, the landlord from his high school record a lot of things.

Correctional treatment, animal husbandry, hunting, playing dead people do not control, so the core idea is to suppress the blood across the line, even across the control treatment in the control of the highest injury to be played out across the skills.

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