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Culture of WOW: Atahaka Temple Discovered In Real World: The Mayan Water God Temple

Some people said that the history of world of warcraft is partly reference by the novel lord of the ring, and I believe most our Wowers would not agree with that, but one thing you must agree, is that the origin of the Atahaka Temple is discovered recently as a Mayan temple for water gods! Believe it or not, we have cheap wow gears which are OP as well, why not buy wow items after reading this article?

Said Art comes from life, the same inspiration from life, too, like the snow in some places makeover reality Azeroth inside look into the composition of elements. Atal'Hakkar, a copy of one of the world of Warcraft, is the blood of God Hakkar was suppressed where the evil spirits nightmare Maronite care places. And this is probably the prototype Belize Mayan god of water deep in the forest temple.

A thousand years ago, the powerful Gurubashi empire split by civil war. A group of senior pastor named Troll Atalay tried to summon Hakkar called Soulflayer bloody ancient gods. Although these pastors were eventually defeated and exiled, the great troll empires still fall apart due to civil strife. Exiled priests fled north Swamp of Sorrows. They are there to do the haka built a great temple, and tried to get him to return to the material world.

Great guardian dragon Ysera learned Atalay conspiracy, and destroyed the temple located under the swamp. Until today, the temple ruins are still submerged by Green Dragon Keeper who prevent anyone out. However, it was believed that some fanatical Atalay survived Ysera anger, still dedicated to the evil haka.

In the silence of the forest in Belize, an aquamarine pool deepwater preserved Mayan ruins. Archaeologists believe that the ancient Mayans had recourse to hold rituals because of the drought, the rush to the water in an attempt to slow the decline of God sacrifice their civilization.

Archaeologists reported in Belize Cala Blanca water temple ruins found a group: This little square has a residue of a cabin and two smaller buildings collapsed after. The main building is located next to a deep pool, pilgrims in this pool to the Mayan god of water - the underground world of demons and possibly sacrifice (blood god Hakkar?).

The findings paint a decline during the Mayan people and make sacrifices because of drought scenarios. The construction of the pyramid civilization flourished in Central America for centuries, most of the city before its collapse in AD 800 years later.

In Cala Blanca white cliffs below, the pilgrims would pots, jars and bowls sink to the depths of the temple sacrifice. These sources clearly sacrifice nearly far, indicates that the entire region of people will come to this place of prayer where the ruins of rain.

"It is a special place with a divine role."

"Pilgrims come here to cleanse itself and offer sacrifices." University of Illinois archaeologist Lisa Lucero said, to explore what remains of the team led by her. She spent four years time to explore the depths of the natural wells, and found the lost years of pottery and stone tools offerings. She said, "It is a special place with a divine role."

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