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Lessons Need to Learn for App Store Optimization

We have talked about how important App Store Optimization service now is. It can make your app popular and known by more people, and we also talked several factors that will affect app store optimization: how the app ranked for keywords; the difference between Google play and App store; how to choose keyword and why graphics are important. Hope you have mastered about those factors. Today we will introduce several new factors that will help for app developing.

Now we turn our attention to app description. Like we mentioned before, Google uses app description to find the keywords for an app, so be sure to include your keywords in the description. You should add your keywords five times, throughout the description. But don't just spam the description with the keywords. It has to sound natural and part of a well written text. The app store description doesn't play a major role in keyword optimization, but it could be the final thing that makes a person decide to download an app, so make sure that your app description tells a potential user exactly why they should download the app. Just like with app graphics, browse app descriptions of the top apps in your category. Figure out what seems to be working and how you can apply the basic concepts to your client's app.

The key to aso services is to continual tracking and optimization. It is a process, not a one-shot deal.

This is good news for consultants because this can give you more consistent work, provided you are demonstrating positive results. The first step is to track your results. Be sure to having your client sign up for an ASO platform. You could sign up for it yourself, but that is an added cost on your end. So if possible, get them to pay for it. Once you have signed up for a platform, start tracking all of the keywords that have been chosen for the app.

Finally, not all of your clients will need this, but localization can multiply the number of downloads that an app gets. Localization is the process of translating the components of an app so that can be used in other countries. Some app publishers have reported that localization as increased their downloads by over 700%. However, a complete localization can be expensive and time consuming. There is also no guarantee that an app will do well in another country. One way to test your app in another country before doing a complete localization is to only translate the app's meta data. If the app gets a lot of downloads, then you can consider doing a complete translation for app store optimization.

The downside to this strategy is that you will probably get negative reviews. You can reduce the impact that this has by only testing for a limited period of time.

Once you figure out how app store seo works, you are now ready to find your first client. If you don't have your own app to practice on, then see if you have a friend that would be willing to let you do their ASO. If you still can't find anyone, then consider taking on your first couple of clients for a reduced rate or even free. Be honest with them about your experience. Also approach your existing clients, if they have a quality app. This will help you get some hands-on experience. Once you feel confident that you can provide a ton of value in the area of ASO, you can start soliciting clients at your full rate.