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All Loot from WOW Blackrock Foundry Increases 5 Levels

Blizzard has announced that, next week items dropping from all difficulties of the Blackrock Foundry raid will receive a +5 level increase, including those you already own. You can be able to buy wow cheap pet and mounts from Wowtoes to march for increases BRF items.

In the past few months, some groups devoted themselves to Highmaul and also had an average item level. It caused that they were not that interested in the loot dropped by the appropriate difficulty in Foundry. For progressing through a new raid tier, you may not kill a particular boss this week, but the upgrades your raid group gathered along the way will make things smoother and improve your chances the following week. That should be the essence of raid experience. So the devs need to make adjustments to stimulate players to head towards.

A 5 level increase will affect all items you have had and will gain from the Foundry. Thus instead of an item level range of 650/665/680/695 for Raid Finder/Normal/Heroic/Mythic Blackrock Foundry, the loot awarded will now be item level 655/670/685/700 respectively.

Besides, the wow item level of the new highest-tier crafted and Apexis vendor items will also be increased by 5.

Thus, with BRF item boost of wow, all players can intrude into higher difficulty of bosses for better rewards. If you need cheap wow gold online en route, you can visit Wowtoes to purchase, where you can get 6% discount using code "WOW6OFF". Have fun!


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I put a squabble over loot right up there with going to the dentist - both are equal bottom on my list of 'awesome things to do with my time' and the longer you avoid it, the more it festers.
WoW's new flexible raiding system has put an end to much of the nonsense surrounding team selection (see /g chat Aug 2012: Swings, Roundabouts and Blenders) but it's created a few new problems too and how to divvy up the plunder is one of them. Now that raid sizes and team make-up can change at a whim, I'd thought we'd take a look at how some of the loot systems are holding up under the pressure.
Highest roll wins is a no-maintenance way for guilds to split up the loot and thus, the staple of many a raid team. It's the Fox News of loot systems - fair and balanced. (And I mean by that, not fair or balanced in any way). It doesn't distribute loot evenly, doesn't reward people for putting in an effort, and doesn't care that you altrusitically passed for someone you believe deserves the gear more. It's RNG and, personally I think, way too popular for its own good - just like Fox News. RNG's bell curve flattens out nicely over many thousands of rolls. However, over the hundred or so rolls your team will make during an entire tier, it's near certain that a lucky third of your players will be sitting pretty and start pushing to move on to new content. The unlucky third will end the tier with one or two upgrades after weeks of raiding while the middling third will staunchly and rather zealously hold no opinion at all. I think you all know which group you're in.
Bottom line, outside of dungeon PUGs, the only people RNG serves are guild officers and MMO developers. They're the ones spared the effort of imagining, creating and maintaining better, more engaging and fairer mechanics and, because the system is inherently impartial, any disputes can be also be effortlessly dismissed with a quick "don't blame me, blame rngesus" or a cheeky "sort it out amongst yourselves". Enough RNG, I say! It's time to rise up from our puddle of complacency and demand a little more from the powers that be.