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Make Balance in Non-restriction Deadman Mode and Get Competitive

The introduction of the idea of "deadman mode" has aroused lots of concerns so far, and there are many posts regarding this new game mode. What do you think about it? Would it be a chance to win some precious rs items and other wealth, or a dangerous environment for low-level players that seems somewhat unfair?

Concept and content of deadman mode

Deadman mode is in general a hardcore PvP world with no safe zone, in which you could attack anyone at any time without level restriction. Besides, there will be high leveled guards in cities to attack any skulled player. And once you die, your stats will be reset and your bank will be given to your killer.

Pros and cons on deadman mode

Since deadman mode allows players to attack anyone without level restriction, it is no doubt that there will be a huge combat if it released. Besides, winners could get all wealth from opponent which is to some extent a way of saving money for not buying much osrs gold. Thus, it seems a great chance for high-level players.

However, other players think that if attack could occur without any restriction, the highest lvl has the advantage. And they will run the world since they can attack anyone at any combat level that will ultimately cause abusive combat and keep new players out of training. So it seems pointless to be afraid of getting killed and risk status for a daily claim of a certain amount of 2007 rs gold.

Ideas to balance the mode and make it competitive

A ladder system

Players suggest that everyone on the server resets bimonthly or so. Thus, hiscores could become incredibly competitive, and anyone could join RuneScape without being behind others, because the ladder reset would put them at par with everyone else. This would also give players all that "new release rush". What's more, it will make the game becomes more challenging, and then a perfect deadman mode without any abusive thing will be built up. Except for stat reset, players should be rewarded by retaining access to the quest rewards if they successfully progress account to the point that you've completed some major quests.

Boosted exp rates

As dying would cause total stat reset, players need to be able to get back into the fun relatively quickly, or they will get bored and quit. So that it could be better to allow players to gain quicker xp, maybe two times of experience.

GE unlink

It is really necessary to ensure that there is no trading in deadman mode. As we know, in this mode players' stats would be reset and they could attack anyone regardless of level, meaning that players have the same start point. But if trading is available, players who can pay for better items will have greater chance to win and then get all items of others' in bank, which seems like a way of grabing money and it must cause mess in game. Thus, it is suggested that deadman mode shouldn't be linked to GE.

Deadman mode's votes continue to be tallied. Will Jagex bring a surprise with some improvements based on players' potential ideas when release? It is a mystery now. The only certain thing is that cheap rs 07 gold will help you have better experience. Just seize the opportunity to get 5% free gold bonus in RS3gold during.


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