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WoW Unique Mounts Summary

In爐he wow爂ame, there爄s燼 lot of various mounts爀xistence.燭he爌layers also will collect the mounts what they need.燗nd these mounts can gained by various ways.燳ou can燽uy wow mounts, and the mounts also爉ay be the copy燿ropped燼nd so on. However, there are many similar places for several mounts, so the number of unique mounts is a little in fact.燦ow let us爐ake a look at these special mounts.

1.Mimiron's head
This horse origins from Odul, the prototype Mimiron invents high-tech machinery, hasn't been revised. It won't be revised , unless the Lich King anger again,and Yogg Saron return or not revision staining.

2.爉agic Rooster
Card mounts, it seems very mysterious for the ordinary players whose haven't participated in this activity. Later the staining probability of this mount will be very low, or directly sale the pirated magic hen.

3.The trample blade of warriors and the death wheel?br />This is from Azeroth motorcycle tournament, and made the physical version of the motorcycle, allowed the player vote for great free sent of he the BL, LM need to cost 10 thousands yuan, and then designers designed this two-horse mount. It can't be pirated, as the activity has ended up, and the winner has been voted.

4.燫ed Cloud
It爏eems to be the only one flying mounts in the sky will not shake, use is very smooth and trample on it feel like in the cloud! Blizzard may don't know the real Sun Wukon' somersault cloud, with 1 plates on top to prevent players falling from the cloud. There is just one sort of [red] somersault cloud for whole MOP, and it's less likely to increase dyeing.

The rocket mounts not to say, the燫ocket cabin made in project is in the rocket,and there is only difference for the爎ocket head and rocket tail. There add one seat for other rockets, but it can been say the only one, and from these we can see that blizzard does put effort to the rocket mount.

6.iron broken god beast
There is nothing, just there are one more head for this mount.

7.Flying Magic like
This invention is absolutely invented by RDX Technology Co., Ltd., but the greedy adventures gained the manufacturing formulation, and wantonly manufacturing, but now there is just one this mount in game.
However爐his mount will not be unique after 6.2 patch, as RDX company joined the Legion of Gul'dan, and create an evil-fly idolum which only epic Archimonde can drop. These two mounts are all made of the same model, even the frequency of the vibration body are the爏ame.

8.The 8 Royal燢ui Lin
This mount爄s爏omewhat similar to the model爋f爂olden lion, but appears to be燿ifferentin fact, 4 paws position is different, go up is a foot step to (refer to the mother box cat walk), and with a bunch of wings, is indeed燼 mop new Kui Lin model. And now this mount has been stopped爋ffering.營t is very likely to add red燢ui Lin, yellow燢ui Lin, or purple燢ui Lin.

Do you have a different opinion or爇now爓hich mounts there lack?燳ou can give your idea on our site.營n addition, there is several爓ow items爌rovided爋n our site, you can check with it at your ease time.