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Cheap OSRS Gold for Game Enjoy with Farming Tweaks and More Changes

A bunch of tweaks and changes come to Old School Runescape this week, which including changes on farming, tweak on earlier release world switch and more other contents. Additionally, the hot summer special membership package is now available to get with bonds in OSRS. Buy cheap rs 2007 gold and exchange it for your needed bonds now!

Left-click options for farming

The farming is now more intuitive with the newly provided options on left-click: Rake for weeding, clear dead tree or a stump, Prune or cure disease, and clear on fully grown bushes with no fruit left.

Besides, tool leprechauns are now available to exchange weeds in inventory for bank notes, so that players' inventory won't get overflowing when on a farming run.

In addition, when examining compost bins, you will now see information about the contents of the bin.

Finally, the tool leprechaun at the farming patch just south of Falador has been moved slightly to be closer to where players are when using the farming patch.

It seems attractive that the farming tweaks provide players with much convenience, and players would have more reasons to use higher resolution monitor. Enjoy it and any time when you need 2007 rs items for help, feel free to RS3gold to get some.

More distinct world switch in grey

According to players' feedback, players will mix up the earlier released world switch with log-out button since they have the same mode and color. Considering that, Jagex now provides players with a new grey world switch and make some little tweaks on it. Firstly, the warning menu for changing world can be permanently dismissed now, but still appears to give warning when attempting to hop to PvP world. Finally, the world that you are on will be written in a darker grey, while the "right click to set favorite" message is now centered if you haven't set one.

Besides, Jagex also promised to put some suggestions on the agenda while completing resizable mode. Among which, "Showing Ping" would be the most eagerly awaited one. Briefly, Ping is the time it takes for your computer to send an echo request to the server and for the server to respond. The higher the Ping, the longer the server takes to respond, and vice versa. Usually a world with more than 200 is not recommended for dangerous situations, 100 and below is generally lag free, and anything below 50 will have no lag. Guessing the "showing ping" plan would be fulfilled; there will be much convenience for players, so just wait and stay tuned.

More changes also come with above ones to provide players better experience, while the Old School bonds redemption for summer special membership is also available now. Just seize time to get one and enjoy upcoming bonuses. As usual, RS3gold provides all manually farming osrs gold for sale and welcome every player in need to buy cheap gold here!

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