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Useful Simcity Buildit Tips That You Cant Miss

You must know Simcity Buildit if you are addicted to Virtual game. According to the official data, Simcity Buildit becomes one of the top爁ree爏trategy爂ames in game marketing. Simcity Buildit is the newest installment of Sim fun. SimCity BuildIt爋ffers a pretty fair free-to-play experience with a lot of elements that pay homage to the series. Here are some useful Simcity Buildit tips can help you play the game.

You don't have to worry about zoning different areas for different purposes in Simcity Buildit game. However, that doesn't mean you can simply build whatever you want, wherever you want. On the contrary, if you get to the higher level you'll receive a certain number of plots for residential buildings and factories. This limits your choices somewhat but also simplifies your planning.

The key to success is to expand your population. Creating a massive city with the type working parts that make it run without too many issues is the name of the game. This in turn leads to your custom city greatly increasing in population. Have plenty of people move in by building plenty of new residences and upgrading them as much as possible. You could gain more tax money if more people living in your city. Then you can make beautification projects with tax money. You can build up a few parks to make your city's population happy and you'll amass more coins on a daily basis from your City Hall.

Starting out the play only gets access to a small portion of the map. You need to find certain items to buy Expansions. Earning Simoleons is much different than other titles. Taxes are collected is small portions and grow at a much smaller rate than other Simcity's. The best way to get cash is to upgrade buildings and sell produced goods. This can take forever especially when things start to get expensive.

You might think it's a good idea to keep a healthy supply of every item just in case. However, I think a better idea is to know exactly what you're looking for and to play to the requirements, not to stock. If you have a bunch of residences that are looking for a certain material, go crazy on stockpiling those as at least you know you'll be able to quickly in and spend those on actual upgrades once they are ready to go.

Where can you place public buildings should depend on your residential buildings. Ideally you want one building to touch as many residences as possible in order to maximize your investment since public buildings can cost a pretty penny. During the early game, parks and fire departments are the big public businesses to pay attention to.

It is better if you could built early zones with a road above three residences in a row, two residences above the road with a park and fire department in the middle of them. All five of the residential zones get access to the public buildings and road and you're left with only a few empty spots. You'll need to rearrange if you start to unlock police and specialty buildings. But in the beginning this is probably one of the better ways to organize your buildings.

Anyway, hope you guys could enjoy your game time. You can search our website if you want to get many other Simcity Buildit cheats. By the way, there are many other mobile爏trategy爂ames on our website. They are free to play. Hey, guys, don't be hesitated to download mobile games on our website.

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