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Eye of Azshara isn't the only lore that Blizzard can explore in the next expansion. There are other loose ends that could be tied up, or at least players could be given a bit more knowledge about some of the mysteries:

Alternative Universe Gul'dan's seeming teleportation to places unknown, possibly to the "real" Azeroth
Wrathion, who was such a central figure in Pandaria, has largely disappeared, yet players know that he is integral to the main story in WoW as the self-proclaimed Black Prince and one of the last surviving members of the Black Dragon Flight
What lies under Tirisfal? Blizzard has confirmed that there is something under Tirisfal, but that it is not an Old God and seemingly not any known entity.
Velen's prophecy that Anduin Wrynn, heir to his father's throne, will lead an Army of Light against a vast emptiness that threatens to swallow Azeroth
The shadow of the Burning Legion has been never lifted from Azeroth, as it is as present as ever with the appearance of Archimonde in Hellfire Citadel
N'zoth or the unknown fifth Old God threatening Azeroth
This list is by no means exhaustive, but it is illustrative of the many directions in which Blizzard can go. The question, however, remains whether or not it is willing to return to storytelling in a big, and let's face it, timely fashion. Subscriptions have slipped drastically since Draenor's release and it is incumbent on Blizzard to at least attempt to captivate the imaginations of both its current and its former players. Will Eye of Azshara, or whatever the next expansion will be named (just no more ORCS!) be enough to bring back those who have left for one reason or another?

With Gamescom coming up this week, it is highly possible that a World of Warcraft expansion will be announced as other games in the company's stable already have major content announced: Hearthstone's next expansion has already been named; Starcraft is ready to expand with Legacy of the Void; Diablo 3 has a huge content expansion coming; Heroes of the Storm is in the middle of the Eternal Conflict and Overwatch is unlikely to be ready for beta testing at this time. What that leaves us is a major announcement for World of Warcraft. Perhaps Eye of Azshara will be the big news, or maybe one of the others mentioned above. It is a testament to Blizzard's power in gaming that rumors begin to swirl with the mere announcement of a press conference. Tread lightly on those you choose to believe but know that this week will reveal all.

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