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Bioware Will Give More Rewards for Swtor Subscribers Based on Your Feedback

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Swtor2credits has even mentioned the changed pricing of Swtor and calculated contents that non-subscribers lost in Kotfe. Now there is good news that Bioware is doing a survey to ask your opinion about what rewards you want for subscription. No result revealed now, but from the discussion, it is obvious that many players want to get rewards based on the time they have been subscribing.

Swtor Subscriber Rewards Survey is ongoing now

With the launching of Knights of the Fallen Empire, players have been required to subscribe the game to enjoy all contents, which has led to a lot of complaints. Fortunately, Bioware has announced to continue giving increased value to players' subscription time. It is particularly worth mentioning here that this time players will have a chance to decide the rewards by giving feedback! In the Subscriber Rewards Survey post, you can rank types of things you like and choose what you prefer for future rewards programs from some options like a new companion, new boost for an existing/new companion, early access etc. If you want to give your opinion, head to the survey at

Players prefer rewards offered based on subscription time

Though some rewards on the list are amazing, many players indicated that any of them alone wouldn't have enticed them to subscribe. Instead, they want to get some increased rewards based on the amount of time that players stay subscribed, retroactively, or they can provide some Vet Rewards program such as unique armors to Subs only, housing decorations, or special crystals. Besides, more cartel coins would be an amazing reward that makes the subscription more worthwhile. The current 500cc a month is kind of a sad thing when you keep increasing the pricing. It is a good idea to tart all subs at 500 per month, and for each additional month you stay a sub, it goes up by 25, to a max of 1000cc per month (1100 with the security key). There are probably better numbers but the point is to start with enough for people to want to sub and then set the max high enough so they don't want to let their sub run out.

Obviously, to give players a satisfactory answer, Bioware needs much work to design a suitable reward that worthwhile for keeping subscription. Still, the team has taken a step forward by collecting players' feedbacks. Have you provided your opinion? Don't miss the chance to make some change, and Swtor2credits is offering cheapest fastest swtor credits for all players to enjoy the game.

The Swtor2credits Team