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Why Can Gaming Make You Smarter?

Is gaming something that is turning our kids dumb? We definitely don't think so as there is tangible evidence of it being the other way around.

Indeed, the more we study gaming, the more the practice of it shows to be beneficial to our brains, no wonder it likes gaming so much.

Throughout this post we will go over why can gaming make you smarter, so read on and feel great by knowing being addicted to it isn't all that bad!

Playing Video Games Increases your Spatial Awareness and Intelligence:

First of all, playing video games isn't only fun, it also raises your spatial awareness and intelligence.

What this means is that all those years of in-game easter egg scouting gave you a better ability at noticing how your surroundings are arranged and measuring distances and color contrast.

Gamers have shown to identify more shades of grey in a white to black spectrum than non-gamers, so that is good news everyone!

Interpersonal Intelligence Increases in Gamers:

The accusations of games making you anti-social are totally wrong, it is the gaming abuse or sheer gaming addiction that causes addicted individuals to forgo traditional friendships.

However, people who aren't addicted and just play moderately have shown to have an increased interpersonal or social intelligence.
This when comparing the sample with non-gamers, of course.

Better Hand-Eye Coordination and Reflexes:

This is the benefit more people are aware of thanks to the media who are always on top of it and the world wide web who has this one trending thanks to the importance to some professions like surgeons.

Better hand-eye coordination is a great thing to have, it benefits everyone, but like mentioned above there are some professions who make better use of this advantage, like surgeons and even the military.