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Countering the SC2 Battlecruiser

Many newbie players struggle to find ways to defeat the Terran Battlecruiser. Players will find that there are actually quite a few units which are highly effective against the Battlecruiser. Below, you will find strategies that allow every race easily dispatch the battlecruiser.

In an interesting twist, Terran players actually are the best race against the Battlecruiser. You have to use Vikings as Terran in order to successfully beat BCs. The Viking is equipped with anti-air missiles that are capable of piercing the Battlecruiser’s thick hull.

Three Vikings will beat a Battlecruiser any day, even if the Battlecruiser uses its Yamato Cannon. If you see the enemy player getting Battlecruisers, put a reactor on your Starport and start turning out Vikings. Skilled players can kite Battlecruisers with their Vikings and take down an entire fleet with just a handful of Vikings!

While not as effective as the Viking, the Zerg race’s Corruptor is also effective against the Battlecruiser. BCs are excellent against ground units and will shred Mutalisks, so be sure to add Corruptors once you notice that your enemy is building BCs.

Even the Hydralisk cannot stand up to the Battlecruiser due to its high armor score. Be sure to use the Corruption ability to make it a complete rout as the extra damage goes a long way on big units.

There is no hard counter for the Battlecruiser to be found in the Protoss army. Unfortunately, the Protoss race has no air unit that can stand up to the Battlecruiser. The truth is that the Phoenix actually is very, very weak against the BC.

Like many units, this Protoss air unit fires a volley of missiles rather than attacking in one solid shot. High-armor targets are good versus units with multiple attacks because these lasers are deflected by their armor. This renders the Phoenix essentially useless versus the Battlecruiser. I do not consider Voids a viable alternative for Protoss simply because they cost so many resources.

I find that the Stalker is quite effective against the Battlecruiser especially when it has the Blink ability. Stalkers do decent damage to BCs and are a soft counter. Always engage Battlecruisers in open areas so they cannot easily flee over water of map obstructions. Additionally, all of your units must be able to hit the BCs for this counter to work.

One good way to get your Stalkers in range is to use the Blink ability and Blink your Stalkers underneath the Battlecruisers. Guardian Shield significantly reduces Battlecruiser damage, so be sure to include a few Sentries for best results. This pair of units is the ultimate Protoss response to Terran players who mass Battlecruisers.

For more effective Starcraft 2 strategies visit this Starcraft 2 strategy guide. Also, While you are there, visit this Starcraft 2 Terran strategy page.