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Doodle Devil

Doodle Devil is the long awaited sequel to the Internet based puzzle game Doodle God. In the first game Doodle God, you enjoyed the opportunity to put together puzzle piece elements in order to help the deity out with creating the universe. The interesting sequel has you playing the enemy of mankind, the devil, in order to create the sins that can destroy the world. Your actual goal is to help Doodle Devil destroy everything that Doodle God has created in the prequel.

The game allows you to merge two elements of different groups in various combinations. You continue to do this and watch the results until you start uncovering the deadly sins like murder, adultery, lust, gluttony, greed, theft etc. All the while, your other goal is to invent ferocious monsters like beasts, demons, and zombies. When you succeed in doing this, everything will be destroyed and you will win the game.

The mechanics of the game are so easy to use. You simply navigate the pointer with your mouse and click on two elements or concepts in order to combine them into a new one. The ultimate goal of Doodle Devil is to make all of the one hundred elements by finishing up the nine different groups that the game is divided into. There are many different groups and elements from which you can pick. You have plants, animals, sins, and celestial beings that you can combine together in any way that you wish. Some of these combinations will work to form new elements, and others will not. There is a light bulb in the bottom of the game that will help you know a few of the elements and concepts that should be put together in case you get stuck. It will surprise you to learn all of the different results that you can make. When you have to return to the mundane tasks of the real world, the game browser will automatically save your place for the next time that you come back.

Aside from having fun playing this game, you will also be taught many interesting and useful things. Whenever you successfully combine two items into a new element, then you are shown a proverb to read. Not only do these get you thinking, but they help you to better understand the way that the differing elements impact the world. This means that the popular Online and iPhone based game is also educational.