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How to Make Your Own Clothes Dress Up Game

Whether you are entertaining girls at a slumber party or just goofing off with friends, have fun with fashion using the stuff you already own. Dress up games can be a fun way to express yourself and laugh together. There are many ways to structure your dress up game. As long as you have a few rules and some creative ideas, your game will be a success.

Make a list of categories that would be fun to dress up as. Jot down as many as you can think of, because this is the foundation of your game. Consider using the following categories, but feel free to add your own: “funny,” “sexy,” “dorky or nerdy,” “rocker chic,” “ghetto fabulous,” “granny,” “baby,” “professional,” “alien,” “futuristic,” “olden days” or “celebrity.”

Place the categories you have chosen from step one into a bag. Choose one person to be the first judge. Equip her with a pad of paper and a pen to keep score. Allow one of the “dressers” to pull a category out of the bag.

Keep score by rating on a scale of one to five. Judge based on “creativity” and “execution” of the category. In other words; who dressed up to fit the category the best? For example: the category is “nerdy” and your friend is wearing taped up glasses, a white, button-down shirt and high water pants paired with beat-up sneakers. You could give a score of “5” for “execution” and a “4” for creativity; she could have slicked her hair down and parted it in the middle for that extra point. Use your best judgment and be fair.

Have one girl stand on one side of the room and the other girl go to the opposite side. Be sure the competing contestants can not see each other. It’s fine if they are in separate rooms. Be sure each contestant has a mirror. The judge needs to set the timer for about five minutes.

Place all the clothing in a neutral area, so the girls can grab what they need quickly after the timer starts. Place clothing items on a bed or designate a section of the closet for the game. Toss shoes and accessories into a chest or laundry basket. The wackier the items you have, the crazier the game will be.

Wait for the timer to go off. If you are the judge, have your friends come to you and reveal their outfits, then score them. The winner of that round will be the judge for the next round. Be sure everyone has had an equal amount of turns to judge and dress up, then tally up the final score.