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WoW Schools Review - Reaching WoW Gold Cap!

WoW Schools is an online education program that will teach you everything you need to know about World Of Warcraft in seven easy lessons. WoW Schools started out as a private training facility for professional WoW players and now is opening their secrets up to the public so you will never ever need another solution for gold making again.

The premier class in WoW Schools is known as Reaching Gold Cap and teaches you how to maximize your gold (the current cap is around 215,000) in a few easy steps. Most other WoW guides incorrectly advise that reaching the gold cap is impossible until you level up to 80 but WoW Schools can show you how to do it on Level 1!

WoW Schools will also teach you secret tricks for how to use the in-game add-ons to make gold, how to go from 0 gold to 100 gold in under an hour, and how to turn 1,000 gold to 20,000 gold in weeks just by playing 20 minutes a day. Both absolute beginners to WoW and advanced power players will find tips and tricks in here that they never imagined.

WoW Schools guarantees that they update their strategies constantly as the game changes and once you join you have access to these updates for life. This is a huge advantage compared to other static guides.

The course on WoW Schools does focus primarily on gold. In fact, it’s the only WoW guide on the web that talks about the gold cap. (Other sites have claimed it doesn’t exist but WoW Schools shows proof that it does and they’ve got it down to the exact coin.) However, it also comes with bonus items that teach you power leveling, strategies for professions, how to farm so you’re not wasting your time (most farming is totally pointless) and even how to get the rarest, most coveted mounts.

WoW Schools also offers technical support 24/7 so even though it’s very easy to use, if you ever have questions or concerns you can get answers right away. It also comes with a 60 day 100% satisfaction money back guarantee, so you can try it out at no risk and start maxing your gold the very first day you use it. WoW Schools is easy to use, gives clear step by step instructions and is always updated to incorporate the latest game changes and the newest strategies. To download WoW Schools risk free at a special limited time only price, click the link below.

For more info about WoW School go to:

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