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Top Ten Farmville Master Techniques to Make Your Farmville Neighbors Green With Envy

You already know, Games cant get much more addicting than farmville. Even non-gamers are logging in several times a day to check on their crops. If you’d like to dominate your neighbors and show-off your prime real estate then this article is for you.

1) Newer Farmers Should focus on purchasing nothing but crops. Buildings and decorations can be tempting, but they will cost you time in the long run, crops and tiles are what will lead you to farmville domination, you need land – period.

2) Too many accessories? – Ok, farmers are consumers too. Move all your accessories to one area – Even animals and trees. Move all of your trees, animals and accessories to one area, right now we don’t need them to get in the way of our harvesting. we’ll have plenty of time and money to get all the extras later on.

3) Get major neighbors – Having neighbors is what makes farmville fun, so you need neighbors – as many as possible. When you next log-in to facebook use the search box to type in “add friends farmville”,Visit the “add me farmville neighbor” and click “like”. Post “add me” on the wall. Before you know it your farm will be over-run by “gifted” animals, accessories and farming equipment!

4) Don’t waste time – It’s easy to click on yourself while harvesting. Some bales of hay stacked properly will keep your character in place while cropping. By doing this you’ll avoid the frustration of clicking on yourself. Your Farmville friends will appreciate it too because they will find themselves confined to the hay bales while fertilizing your crops and tending your chickens.

5) Your Farming Schedule – Only grow crops you know you can manage. If you log in every 5 hours from your iPhone then you can afford to Harvest those Super fast Tiles, If your logging in once per day then those same crops will be rotten by the time you get back to your farm. You get 4 hours from the time growing is complete to harvest your bounty.

6) Gain Experience – Remember each crop you harvest will give you 1 XP. Harvesting as many tiles as possible is what will make you a rich farmer. Strawberries can be harvested in 4 hours, A good deal of xp. Some fruits can be tempting because they grow quick and make good cash; raspberries produce no xp. focus on crops with a proper balance.
7) Take Care of Your Neighbors – Pulling weeds, raking leaves and fertilizing while getting rid of those “swiper” foxes will help your neighbors and get you some great xp.Having several neighbors from your facebook “add me” is what’s going to make the difference in your farming career,Each additional neighbor will grant you further opportunities to get more experience points. Feeding chickens grants 1 XP, And remember, you’ll get an additional xp for each plot of land you help with. You can work on 5 plots of land for each of your neighbors everyday. More neighbors equals more XP.

8) Ribbons and More Ribbons – getting more experience from ribbons is a great way to get more coins too.

9) farmers need toys – After you have a significant amount of land, crops and Farmville Cash it’s time to get your farming equipment. you’ll be able to farm at 4x productivity and even though fuel will cost you, it will pay off in the long-run
10) Level Up Faster -keep an eye on your xp and when you get close to leveling go ahead and reward yourself by harvesting crops such as soybeans which will reward you by instant xp.

Have Fun – Remember the whole point of the game is to have fun, leave friendly signs for your neighbors, communicate and say thanks. working with other players is what farmville is all about – enjoy them. Brag about your farm and help your neighbors with theirs, or engage in a friendly competition to see who can build the best Farmville farm. Farmville is a wonderful way to meet and interact with new people.

Get the secrets! To learn Farmville Strategies, Secrets and cheats, Dominate the game and show off your piece of prime. . . virtual real estate.