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Free Internet Games and Your Childs Intelligence

Teenagers and video games go hand in hand today; with some parents experience times when a child would have a fit of rage and scream their lungs out just because they want to play their game even for five minutes more. This is the thing that some parents are finding a problem and in that sense, parents need to also be educated, so to speak, about the wonderful opportunities that online gaming can offer to their young ones.

However there are a range of games being distributed that can trigger hostility and bad behaviour in children. But parents shouldn’t shy away from the internet just because of this fact. Just like a lot of things, there is a bad and a positive side to things. There are also games that can enhance a child’s IQ and stimulate mental and thinking ability. Research says that children exposed to computer games conducive to learning actually have a better attention span and concentrate better on their studies and in school participation, strengthening the child’s natural talents and abilities.

Games that demand a child to critically think and plan out strategies in games can be a deciding factor for their development. Online games like Tetris, Backgammon and other strategy games can help the child think and plan on how to approach certain situations, where they may be able to apply them in real life.

Games that require a child to use memory and logical thinking are also present in the internet; memory blocks and color determination are some games that improve this aspect of children’s thinking abilities. There are also games based on language and word play, such as Scrabble, Literati and Lexulous, which would greatly help improve your child’s English vocabulary skills and also his ability to form a strategy for the game.

There are many games that will also train your child’s mental alertness such as adventure and role playing games. These games come with a story, and would hone your child’s alertness. There are also online games which are based on genuine board games such as Chess, Checkers and many more.

As said before, various games will not be appropriate for children because it may contain harsh or foul words, so it is the challenge to parents that they monitor the games that their children play in order for them to benefit from online games.

It can be even better when parents actively join in with their children on these video games. After all, this kind of activity would mean better understanding for children and they are watched to ensure that the content of the games that they are playing will be seen by the parents.

Although online gaming can be beneficial to your child, parents should continue to keep in mind that a child also needs social interaction with other children so they can develop fully. Internet games can improve mental activity and mental capacity but these games can also become a source for unwanted behavior. So it is extremely important to give time for outdoor activities for children in order for them to become healthy and happy, giving time for education and physical exercise.

Many internet games are excellent for your children and will be wholesome and fun aswell as challenging for their brains for example Farmerama is an excellent strategy game whereas on the other hand games like Sift Heads 4 are wholly unsuitable for younger children.