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WoW PvP Guide - Farming Honor

Farming battle grounds in World of Warcraft trying to muster up all that honor to get some of that nice pvp gear you’re looking at can be a real pain and be very time consuming. But I would like to share the method I use that if done enough, and with a little luck on winning the games, can get you honor caped on a daily basis.
What you want to do is when you are farming battle grounds is you really want to get a group going so you don’t have to solo queue for the battle ground. Solo queueing takes longer than queuing as a group and you will definitely get paired with bads and many afk players. If you queue as a group there is a much smaller chance that you will get afkers, and a much higher chance you will have better players on your team. This is because one you are queueing with better plays, not just random people, and since you are your group took up five spots in the battle ground that’s five less spots for bads and afkers.
After you get a group of people and are queueing, you should get in ventrilo, teamspeak, or skype so you guys can communicate better with each other, and not only that you guys can mess around and really have a lot more fun making jokes and what not making the battleground enjoyable to the point of where you want to be playing them. A big problem with solo queuing is you don’t have as much fun and really just don’t want to play the battle grounds. I found when im queuing with my friends having a good time we just spam battle grounds and don’t even care about winning we are having so much fun.
For winning the battle grounds you really need to get involved in the battle ground. Don’t just talk to your friends you are playing with, talk to all the other people who are inside of the battle ground with you. Call out incomings. Call out where you guys are hitting, and what spots need more defense. Call out a plan before the game starts on what everyone, or each group, should do the moment the game starts in order to win. Example would be make a macro that says group 1 go blacksmith group 2 lumber mill and group 3 gold mine. Or a macro that tells everyone to rush in strand of the ancients to all rush blue or all rush green also remind everyone to grab the seaforium charges.

I only shared the first half of the tactic on how to get honor capped on a daily basis, the other half can be found at PvP Domination