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Monster Galaxy Authority Guide Review

What the guide claims to do – Well it is supposed to help you master the game in hours and show you exactly what you need to do and when?

Well, is this true, yes it is.

I bought the guide when it was first released and I have never been so happy. I was playing the game slowly and occassionally but now I am constantly playing and meetings loads more people online who are also playing it.

This is the great thing about Facebook and online games is that you can meet and chat with people with similar interests, help each other in the game, join forces and have a wicked time.

After purchasing the guide and using it I wanted to tell everyone about it as it has only just been released and not a lot of people know about it yet.

So if will you are a Monster Galaxy Fan you should visit Monster Galaxy Authority Guide Review to hear what people are saying about the new guide to the game.

I am not just going to explain the guide but break it all down into sections so you can see exactly what it is in the guide and how it can be a bonus for you in this game.

Firstly the only reason I bought this straight away was the price, absolutely fantastic. I have bought a lot of guides in the past but this one is the first guide I really felt I had a bargain.

The value for money for such a detailed guide, below half the price of any other guide on the market for Facebook games.

This did not affect its quality mind as you receive a whole package of goodies.

There is not just the one Monster Galaxy Authority guide but a total of 5 guides rolled into one. Absolutely amazing.

The whole list of goodies which are mentioned on the main Monster Galaxy Authority Guide Site page are there and below you will see what exactly is in this package.

1) Friends Guide

This guide breaks down why it is important to collect as many friends as you can in the game. Get them hooked and help each other out.

It also includes a walkthrough process on how to get more friends from Facebook, how to add them and using friends to gain whistles.

The reason we want lots of friends is to gain the advantages having lots of friends brings. The main advantage is to harvest lots of Whistles for use in battle and you are shown how to do all this.

A lot of people may already know how to do this but there is extra information enclosed to help you do this quickly.

Well that is only part of what is to offer in the guide, a snippet some may say on some of the bonus information which is available with the guide. To check out the review of this guide visit Monster Galaxy Authority Guide Review.