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Guide to Swtor Species

Swtor is Star Wars: The Old Republic and is a new approach to online entertainment. It features immersive storytelling, dynamic combat and ground breaking companion characters. This game take place in the star wars galaxy after about three hundred years after the events of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. The game is a multiplayer online gaming and is based on the big screen ‘Star Wars’. The timing of the story dates back to time of Anakin and Luke Skywalker. There are hundreds of animate species who are spread throughout the galaxy. Only a fraction of them will appear in the game. Some of the non-sentient species are Acklay, Bantha, Chemilizard, Dewback, Gundark, Hoth Hog, K’lor’slug, Kath hound, Nexu, Rakghout, Rancor, Reek, Salky hound, Sarlacc, Tauntaun, Terentatek, Thranta, Tuk’ata, Varactyl, Vrblther, Wampa and Wraid.

There are a number of species that the player may choose from for their character. The players who are officially considered to be playable are Chiss, Humans, Miraluka, Mirialan, Rattataki, Sith Pureblood, Twileks and Zabrak. There are other species in The Old Republic and they are not playable. They may be available as a companion to the player. They are Abyssin, Advozse, Arcona, Bith, Bothan, Cathar, Chagrian, Chevin, Colicoid, Dashade, Devaronian, Duros, Evocii, Gamorrean, Gand, Geonosian, Gormak, Gran, Hutt, Ithorian, Jawa, Kaleesh, Kel Dor, Kitonak, Kubaz, Mantellian, Massassl, Mon Calamari, Nautolan, Nelmoidian, Nikto, Ortlan, Rakata, Rodian, Selkath, Selonian, Sullustan, Tatz, Tohruta, Trandoshan, Voss, Weequay, and Wookiee and there are many other unknown species.

A brief description of some of the playable species is given below.

Chiss: – From the Unknown Regions of the planet Csilla the Chiss are blue skinned humanoids. They are considered to be the official allies of the Sith Empire. Most of the systems in the Empire have not been conquered by them. They are one of the playable species who are available as Imperial Agents.

Human: – They are one of the confirmed species to be playable in the game and can play any class. They are most numerous and are politically dominant species with lots of major and minor colonies. They are believed to be originated on the galactic capital of Coruscant. They are found anywhere doing different types of hobbies like spacers, mercenaries, smugglers, merchants, soldiers, assassins, farmers, crime lords, labourers, slaves and many more including Jedi. They are able to play any of the eight classes in The Old Republic.

Miraluka: – Miraluka share common genetic history with Human. They are born without eyes. Their home world is Alpheridies and the only source of light is a red dwarf star. This gives light only in the infrared spectrum. They have adapted the ability to see their surroundings through the force. They wear decorative veils and have trouble in missing with the human society.

Mirialan: – They are playable species for the Jedi Consular and Tropper classes. They hail from planet Mirial and are near-human. The skin color varies from dark green to a pale tone. They are very fast and agile and are one of the best in any combat.

Rattataki: – They are near-human species and are the playable for Bounty Hunter, Imperial Agent and Sith Inquisitor.

Sith pureblood: – They are playable species for the Sith Inquisitor and Sith Warrior.

Twi’lek: – They have originated from the planet Ryloth and have colourful skin which varies in pigment from individual to individual.

Zabrak: – They are a humanoid and live on the harsh planet Iridonia. They are playable species for the Jedi Knight, the Sith Inquisitor and the Trooper.

Eight species have been confirmed; Human, Twi’lek, Rattataki, Chiss, Sith Pureblood, Mirialan, Zabrak, Miraluka. More Information about Swtor Item Visit our site.