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The sources of the inspiration for games

While informed sources, the current Ninetowns has been for the “Firefall” Internet cafe to write programs to promote, and it can return to first-line camp Ninetowns large degree dependent on him, so Ninetowns does not easily sell the firefall gold and the game.

November 28, 2011 hearing, the ninth city in its vice-president Tony Tencent microblogging release information said Ninetowns produced the studio’s massively multiplayer online role-playing shooting games “Fire waterfall”. In Southeast Asia and Taiwan, the exclusive rights to operate $ 23 million contract to Garena. It is authorized period of 6 years. Garena will be responsible for including China Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, including the right to operate some of the Asian region.

From 2009, Ninetowns lost pillar products “World of Warcraft”. We found Ninetowns in the following year, gradually moved out of our vision. Of course, they did not stop at their own pace. As Ninetowns both are covered by the “Sword of Excellence”, “FIFA OL2” or “Miracle World” are not based in China, which led to its full-year net loss in 2009 410 million. The cheap firefall gold is welcomed by players as the release of the game. Players can not help but try to figure out like Ninetowns at the end of what this myth.

It is relatively stable after 2010, Ninetowns mobility in 2009 and gradually stabilized after a sharp downward trend. Also in this year, we SNS (social games) in the field to see the game Ninetowns produced “three star.” In the year March 22 we were surprised to learn Ninetowns acquired RED5, $ 20 million.

We are puzzled with the same players will be so worth Ninetowns why buy a case are not even successful game production companies. The fire was still in the prototype stage waterfall, hard to see ordinary people tap their potential value. But when the vice president of media Ninetowns Tonyn we were answered. The following are interviews with the original words.

We work together to recall, Steve Jobs introduced to the world whether the iPad, when given a clear definition? No, because the iPad is never had before, and could not use the past to define a vocabulary it. The best way is to be used to demonstrate to the people to see. So, players are willing to buy firefall gold to enjoy the tasks, pictures in the game. Now we look at Firefall, you say that it is FPS games? FPS increase TPS? 80% say this, but can not fully express Firefall. We want players to “think with us.” In this game, we most want to embody the idea is “team-based” is a very team-oriented concept. All in all, this game is attractive for most players. The features of the game are of great importance for gamers.